中华流行病学杂志  2017, Vol. 38 Issue (8): 1073-1077   PDF    


张彩霞, 许意清, 李宜霏, 姜珍霞, 张西江, 张宁, 李秀芳, 姜宝法.
Zhang Caixia, Xu Yiqing, Li Yifei, Jiang Zhenxia, Zhang Xijiang, Zhang Ning, Li Xiufang, Jiang Baofa.
Three-level logistic analysis related to influencing factors on condom use among female sex workers aged 35 years and above in Qingdao
中华流行病学杂志, 2017, 38(8): 1073-1077
Chinese journal of Epidemiology, 2017, 38(8): 1073-1077


收稿日期: 2016-12-02
张彩霞1, 许意清2, 李宜霏3, 姜珍霞4, 张西江4, 张宁5, 李秀芳6, 姜宝法1     
1. 250012 济南, 山东大学公共卫生学院流行病学系;
2. 530028 南宁, 广西壮族自治区疾病预防控制中心信息管理科;
3. 102600 北京, 北京市大兴区疾病预防控制中心业务办;
4. 266033 青岛市疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病防治科;
5. 266300 胶州市爱心健康咨询检测中心;
6. 266003青岛大学医学院附属医院性健康中心
摘要: 目的 运用三水平logistic回归模型分析青岛市大龄暗娼的安全套使用影响因素。方法 采用同伴推动抽样方法于2014年3-6月在青岛市招募和调查35岁及以上暗娼(OFSWs)收集每名OFSWs及最近1个月5名性伴(不包括丈夫)的相关信息。拟合三水平logistic回归模型结合大龄暗娼工作场所、OFSWs和性伴水平分析安全套使用的影响因素。结果 共对420名OFSWs完成问卷调查,获得2 100名性伴的信息。结果显示,OFSWs的安全套使用情况在招揽客人的场所水平和自身水平上存在有聚集性。三水平logistic回归结果显示,初中文化程度(OR=1.450,95%CI:1.054~1.994)、高中及以上(OR=2.264,95%CI:1.215~4.222)的OFSWs安全套使用率高于小学及以下文化程度者;认为安全套能预防艾滋病(OR=2.004,95%CI:1.273~3.154)的安全套使用率高;认为性伴之间信任不需要使用安全套(OR=0.796,95%CI:0.745~0.849)、既往感染梅毒(OR=0.657,95%CI:0.478~0.902)的安全套使用率较低。OFSWs与熟客及一般客人的安全套使用率高于和男朋友的安全套使用率(OR=15.291,95%CI:8.441~27.700;OR=29.032,95%CI:15.413~54.682)。结论 青岛市OFSWs安全套使用情况受自身及其性伴的共同影响,要对OFSWs及其性伴同时开展干预,重点关注文化程度低、与信任性伴之间、既往感染梅毒的OFSWs。
关键词: 安全套     暗娼     性伴     三水平logistic模型    
Three-level logistic analysis related to influencing factors on condom use among female sex workers aged 35 years and above in Qingdao
Zhang Caixia1, Xu Yiqing2, Li Yifei3, Jiang Zhenxia4, Zhang Xijiang4, Zhang Ning5, Li Xiufang6, Jiang Baofa1     
1. Epidemiology of Department, School of Public Health, Shandong University, Jinan 250012, China;
2. Information Management Department, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530028, China;
3. Department of Business, Daxing District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 102600, China;
4. Department of AIDS/STDs Control and Prevention, Qingdao City Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Qingdao 266033, China;
5. Jiaozhou Love Center for Health Consulting and Testing, Jiaozhou 266300, China;
6. The Medical School Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Qingdao 266003, China
Corresponding author: Jiang Baofa, E-mail:bjiang@sdu.edu.cn
Fund program: National institutes of Health supported program (1R01HD068305-01)
Abstract: Objective To analyze the influencing factors on condom use among 35-years-or-older female sex workers (OFSWs) in Qingdao by using the three-level logistic model. Methods From March to June 2014, OFSWs were recruited in Qingdao, using respondent-driven sampling. Related information on OFSWs and their recent five sexual partners (not including husband) were obtained by conducting a questionnaire survey on OFSWs. A Three-level logistic regression model was conducted to analyze the influencing factors of condom use between OFSWs and their sexual partners. Results A total of 420 OFSWs participated the survey as well as information on 2 100 sexual partners. Results from the empty model showed that the use of condoms among OFSWs having an aggregation that related to the levels of working sites and their own behaviors. Results from the three-levels of logistic model analysis showed that, OFSWs that having had junior middle school education (OR=1.450, 95%CI:1.054-1.994)/high school education or above (OR=2.264, 95%CI:1.215-4.222), knowing the function of condom use (OR=2.004, 95%CI:1.273-3.154) would have higher rates of condom use. OFSWs with higher score of attitude on condom use (OR=0.796, 95%CI:0.745-0.849), having had syphilis infections in the past (OR=0.657, 95%CI:0.478-0.902) would have lower rate of condom use. For the sexual partners, the rate of condom use among OFSWs' regular partners were higher than that of OFSWs' boyfriends (OR=15.291, 95%CI:8.441-27.700; OR=29.032, 95%CI:15.413-54.682). Conclusion Condom use of OFSWs was affected by behaviors of both OFSWs themselves and their sexual partners. Prevention and control programs should focus on OFSWs and their sexual partners at the same time. The key intervention contents should include target populations as:OFSWs with low level of education, having had infections of syphilis, those who do not use condoms with their trusted partners.
Key words: Condom     Female sex workers     Sexual partners     Multilevel logistic model    

异性性传播是我国艾滋病传播的主要途径,全国艾滋病疫情报告显示,经异性性传播感染的新发病例所占的构成比从2008年的8.7%上升到了2014年的66.4%,其中≥50岁年龄组人群从19.3%上升到36.1%[1]。中国≥50岁中老年HIV感染者大多数都有与≥35岁暗娼(older female sex workers,OFSWs)发生性行为的情况[2-3]。而OFSWs作为暗娼中为嫖客提供无保护性行为的可能性更大群体,对艾滋病在中老年人群中传播具有不容忽视的作用。



1.研究对象:纳入标准:① 在青岛市生活≥3个月;②≥35周岁;③ 自述最近1个月内每周至少提供过1次商业性性行为[6]

2.研究方法:采用横断面调查设计,应用同伴推动抽样法于2014年3-6月在青岛市招募和调查OFSWs。知情同意后,由经过统一培训的调查员,采用电子问卷一对一匿名调查,调查内容包括:① OFSWs信息:一般人口学特征、工作相关特征(如使用安全套的态度得分[7])、既往梅毒感染和现患梅毒情况[6]。② 询问OFSWs获得最近5位性伴信息:文化程度、婚姻状况、与OFSWs性关系(男朋友、熟客、一般客人),是否使用毒品等。

3.统计学分析:数据具有层次结构特点,传统的统计分析方法会忽略层次间的差异,增加犯Ⅰ类错误的概率,影响分析的准确性。故采用多水平统计分析模型,将OFSWs招揽客人场所作为第3水平、OFSWs作为第2水平,其性伴作为第1水平,以OFSWs与每位性伴最近1次安全套使用情况为因变量,应用Stata 13.0软件中的xtmelogit命令拟合3水平logistic回归分析。检验水准α=0.05。多水平分析的基本形式为:




1. OFSWs基本情况:共对420名OFSWs完成问卷调查,平均年龄为(42.6±6.3)岁,以35~49岁(82.1%)、小学及以下和初中文化程度(92.0%)、离婚/丧偶(61.0%)、外地户籍者(72.6%)为主,艾滋病知识知晓率为66.7%,接受过艾滋病服务帮助的占91.9%;认同安全套是预防艾滋病最有效方式的占97.4%,自报既往梅毒感染率为29.8%,自报梅毒现患率为8.6%(表 1)。

表 1 青岛市420名≥35岁暗娼基本情况

2. OFSWs性伴的基本情况:从420名OFSWs问卷调查中,获得2 100名性伴的信息。性伴以熟客(44.38%,932/2 100)与一般客人(50.10%,1 052/2 100)、已婚(56.00%,1 176/2 100)、初中及以上文化程度(27.29%,573/2 100)为主;性行为地点以非固定场所(街边/路边旅馆/出租屋)为主(73.76%,1 549/2 100);使用毒品交易性行为占1.48%(31/2 100);与其他暗娼有性行为占62.43%(1 311/2 100)。性伴安全套使用率,在不同性关系、性交易地点、与其他暗娼有性行为之间的差异有统计学意义(χ2检验,P=0.001)。见表 2

表 2 青岛市≥35岁暗娼性伴的安全套使用情况

3. logistic回归模型分析:初步拟合的空模型显示:水平3和水平2残差方差具有统计学意义(P<0.05),即OFSWs安全套使用情况在OFSWs水平和招揽客人场所水平具有聚集性,提示适合采用三水平logistic回归模型。ICC分别为0.018和0.209,说明总结局测量的变异中约有1.8%和20.7%的变异是由招揽客人场所和OFSWs水平引起的。引入水平2的OFSWs变量和水平1性伴的变量,其中性关系、OFSWs的文化程度、婚姻状况以哑变量形式纳入。结果显示,文化程度为初中(OR=1.450,95%CI:1.054~1.994)、高中及以上(OR=2.264,95%CI:1.215~4.222)、认同安全套的预防功能(OR=2.004,95%CI:1.273~3.154)的OFSWs安全套使用率较高;与信任的性伴之间不需要使用安全套的态度得分越高(OR=0.796,95%CI:0.745~0.849)、既往感染梅毒(OR=0.657,95%CI:0.478~0.902)、接受过艾滋病服务帮助(OR=0.509,95%CI:0.263~0.987)的OFSWs安全套使用率较低。性伴水平:OFSWs的熟客和一般客人安全套使用率高于其男朋友(OR=15.291,95%CI:8.441~27.700;OR=29.032,95%CI:15.413~54.682);-2LL由2 266.7减小到1 940.2,意味着带有解释变量的模型拟合数据比零模型更好,可以改善模型拟合度。见表 3

表 3 青岛市≥35岁暗娼安全套使用影响因素的2水平logistic回归模型









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