中华流行病学杂志  2019, Vol. 40 Issue (7): 849-853   PDF    


苏夏雯, 戴政, 马静, 刘梦冉, 邵晓颖, 江宇, 罗会明.
Su Xiawen, Dai Zheng, Ma Jing, Liu Mengran, Shao Xiaoying, Jiang Yu, Luo Huiming.
A survey of attitudes to and demands on internship in graduates majoring in preventive medicine in 6 colleges and universities in China
中华流行病学杂志, 2019, 40(7): 849-853
Chinese journal of Epidemiology, 2019, 40(7): 849-853


收稿日期: 2019-02-27
苏夏雯1 , 戴政2 , 马静2 , 刘梦冉2 , 邵晓颖2 , 江宇1 , 罗会明2     
1. 中国医学科学院 北京协和医学院公共卫生学院, 北京 100730;
2. 中国疾病预防控制中心教育培训处, 北京 102206
摘要: 目的 了解6所高校预防医学学生在校期间的实习等情况,为预防医学专业的实习安排改进提供参考建议。方法 采用聚类与方便抽样结合的方法,在全国东、中、西部抽取6所高校的预防医学专业五年级在校生进行问卷调查,了解其临床、公共卫生实习的态度及建议等信息。结果 共调查学生596人,学生在临床实习及公共卫生实习认为有收获的学生占比均>88%,认为临床实习需要改革的人数比例高于公共卫生实习;在实习中存在的问题及改进建议方面,临床实习方面被提频率由高到低依次为:时间安排不够合理(95,39.58%)、内容应更细致深入(73,30.42%)及实习内容与专业方向不符(54,22.50%)等;公共卫生实习方面被提频率由高到低依次为:时间安排不合理(77,45.56%)、内容应更细致并规范统一(65,38.46%)、实习单位类型更加多元化(20,11.83%)等。结论 预防医学专业本科毕业生对目前的临床实践与公共卫生实习收获感及认为实习的必要性均较高,但同时两类实习仍存在诸多有待改进的方面,需学生、带教教师、院校与实习基地等多方的共同努力,以促进本科实习实践的不断完善。
关键词: 预防医学     本科教育     实习    
A survey of attitudes to and demands on internship in graduates majoring in preventive medicine in 6 colleges and universities in China
Su Xiawen1 , Dai Zheng2 , Ma Jing2 , Liu Mengran2 , Shao Xiaoying2 , Jiang Yu1 , Luo Huiming2     
1. School of Public Health, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730, China;
2. Education and Training Department, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 102206, China
Corresponding author: Jiang Yu, Email:jiangyu@pumc.edu.cn; Luo Huiming, Email:luohm@chinacdc.cn
Fund program: Topics of Major Consulting and Research Projects of Chinese Academy of Engineering (2016-ZD-11-04)
Abstract: Objective To understand the internship of students majoring in preventive medicine in 6 colleges and universities in China, and provide reference suggestions for the improvement of internship arrangement. Methods By using the method of combined clustering and convenient sampling, the fifth grades students majoring in preventive medicine in six universities in the eastern, central and western China were surveyed by using questionnaires to collect the information of their attitudes (to) and suggestions for clinical and public health internships. Results A total of 596 students were surveyed. In terms of the benefits of clinical internship and public health internship, students who thought that the internship was fruitful accounted for >88%, and more students thought that reform is needed in clinical internship compared with public health internship. In clinical internship, the students through that the time arrangement was not appropriate enough (95, 39.58%), the content should be more detailed and in-depth (73, 30.42%) and the content did not conform to the professional direction (54, 22.50%). In public health internship, the students thought that the time arrangement was not appropriate (77, 45.56%), the content should be more detailed and standardized (65, 38.46%) and the types of internship bases should be more diversified (20, 11.83%). Conclusions The undergraduates majoring in preventive medicine felt to be benefited from clinical practice and public health internships and thought they are of necessity. At the same time, there are still many problems which needs to be improved in the two types of internships. It is necessary to make joint efforts from students, teachers, colleges and practice bases to promote the continuous improvement of undergraduate internship.
Key words: Preventive medicine     Undergraduate education     Internship    




2.方法与内容:问卷采取无记名自填的方式进行数据的收集,利用中国CDC流行病学动态数据采集平台(Epidemiological Dynamic Data Collection Platform,EDDC)进行问卷的定制,按照学生学号进行编码,由6所高校负责本科教育的教师协助组织被调查对象在调查时间范围内,通过网络方式进行问卷的在线填写并提交。调查内容包括一般情况,对临床、公共卫生实习的收获感及认为实习的必要性,对两类实习是否需要改革的态度与对两类实习提出的存在问题及改进建议等。

3.统计分析:采用SPSS 21.0软件对数据进行统计和分析。计数资料以率或构成比表示。对两类实习是否需要改革的态度比较结果,采用配对麦克尼马尔χ2检验(McNemar test)的方法进行统计分析,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。对问卷中开放式问题信息采用定性研究方法,使用Nvivo 8.0软件,对文本信息进行归纳总结,提取主题词进行编码,分析讨论。


1.一般情况:共调查学生596人,占研究对象总体的79.9%,其所学专业均为预防医学,均为应届毕业学生(五年级),女生(446,74.83%)多于男生(150,25.17%)。见表 1

表 1 我国6所高校预防医学专业应届毕业生一般情况

2.应届毕业生对临床、公共卫生实习的态度:在实习的收获情况方面,认为公共卫生实习有收获的人数为556人(93.29%),认为临床实习有收获的人数为525人(88.09%);在实习的必要性态度方面,认为有必要开展公共卫生实习的人数为565人(94.80%),认为临床实习开展有必要的人数为518人(86.91%);在对实习是否需要改革的建议方面,认为公共卫生实习需要改革的人数比例为28.36%(169人),低于认为临床实习需要改革的人数比例40.77%(243人),差异有统计学意义(McNemar检验P<0.001)。见表 2

表 2 我国6所高校预防医学专业应届毕业生对临床、公共卫生实习收获和必要性态度

3.我国6所高校预防医学专业应届毕业生对实习提出的存在问题及改进建议:在对实习提出的存在问题及改进建议方面,共收到有效问题及建议409条,其中临床实习方面为240条,公共卫生实习方面为169条。将学生提出的实习中存在的问题及改进建议分别归纳为6个方面发现,临床实习方面被提频率由高到低的前3项依次为:时间安排不够合理(95,39.58%)、内容应更细致深入(73,30.42%)、实习内容与专业方向不符(54,22.50%);公共卫生实习方面被提频率由高到低的前3项依次为:时间安排不合理(77,45.56%)、内容应更细致并规范统一(65,38.46%)、实习单位类型更加多元化(20,11.83%)。见表 34

表 3 我国6所高校预防医学专业应届毕业生对临床实习提出的存在问题及改进建议
表 4 我国6所高校预防医学专业应届毕业生对公共卫生实习提出的存在问题及改进建议


实习时间安排是两项实习共有的问题。目前多数院校将实习安排至学生学业的最后2年、甚至1年内完成,实习时间较晚,与学生就业和深造的准备时间冲突[9, 11],可考虑精简实习科室数、调整实习顺序、理论教学与实践相结合等方式进行改进[4, 12-13],给需要考研深造的学生充足的准备时间。





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