中华流行病学杂志  2019, Vol. 40 Issue (12): 1601-1605   PDF    


姜婷婷, 陈琳, 周欣, 王憓, 陈婉君, 陈卫永, 吴瑕, 金骆彬, 朱红薇, 马瞧勤.
Jiang Tingting, Chen Lin, Zhou Xin, Wang Hui, Chen Wanjun, Chen Weiyong, Wu Xia, Jin Luobin, Zhu Hongwei, Ma Qiaoqin
Evaluation on the confidence of refusing unprotected sex behavior and related factors among college students in Zhejiang province
中华流行病学杂志, 2019, 40(12): 1601-1605
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2019, 40(12): 1601-1605


收稿日期: 2019-06-03
姜婷婷1 , 陈琳1 , 周欣1 , 王憓1 , 陈婉君1 , 陈卫永1 , 吴瑕2 , 金骆彬3 , 朱红薇4 , 马瞧勤1     
1. 浙江省疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病防制所, 杭州 310051;
2. 宁波职业技术学院 315000;
3. 绍兴文理学院 321000;
4. 金华职业技术学院 321000
摘要: 目的 分析浙江省大学生拒绝无保护性行为的信心状况及其相关因素。方法 采用分层整群抽样的方法,于2018年10-11月,在浙江省13所高校选取有过性行为的大学生3 718名作为研究对象,评价其拒绝无保护性行为的信心。采用χ2检验法分析大学生拒绝无保护性行为信心的一般人口学特征、性态度、性行为及相关干预情况,采用多因素logistic回归模型分析大学生有信心拒绝无保护性行为的相关因素。结果 共调查3 718名大学生,年龄(20.17±1.38)岁,男生占70.5%(2 620/3 718)。有信心拒绝无保护性行为的男生为74.9%(1 963/2 620),女生为77.9%(896/1 098)。有信心拒绝无保护性行为的多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,男生的相关因素包括不接受临时性行为(与接受的相比,OR=2.247,95% CI:1.828~2.762)、不接受男男性行为(与接受的相比,OR=1.810,95% CI:1.302~2.516)、最近1年发生临时性行为(与未发生的相比,OR=1.345,95% CI:1.051~1.721)、知道学校有HIV自检试剂(与不知道的相比,OR=1.381,95% CI:1.011~1.887)、接受过学校开展HIV感染风险自我评估(与未接受的相比,OR=1.707,95% CI:1.374~2.121);女生的相关因素包括来自城市(与来自农村的相比,OR=1.816,95% CI:1.225~2.693)、≥ 21岁(与≤ 20岁的相比,OR=1.469,95% CI:1.075~2.007)、接受过学校开展HIV感染风险自我评估(与未接受的相比,OR=1.597,95% CI:1.093~2.333)。结论 男生和女生拒绝无保护性行为的信心均较高。有信心拒绝无保护性行为的保护因素,男生为不接受临时性行为、不接受男男性行为、接受过学校开展HIV感染风险自我评估、知道学校有HIV自检试剂、最近1年发生临时性行为;女生为来自城市、≥ 21岁、接受过学校开展HIV感染风险自我评估。高校应加强大学生性健康教育,减少无保护性行为,推广HIV感染风险自我评估。
关键词: 无保护性行为    拒绝    信心    大学生    
Evaluation on the confidence of refusing unprotected sex behavior and related factors among college students in Zhejiang province
Jiang Tingting1 , Chen Lin1 , Zhou Xin1 , Wang Hui1 , Chen Wanjun1 , Chen Weiyong1 , Wu Xia2 , Jin Luobin3 , Zhu Hongwei4 , Ma Qiaoqin1     
1. Department of HIV/AIDS and STDs Control and Prevention, Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hangzhou 310051, China;
2. Ningbo Polytechnic, Ningbo 315000, China;
3. Shaoxing University, Shaoxing 321000, China;
4. Jinhua Polytechnic, Jinhua 321000, China
Abstract: Objective To understand the confidence-related factors of refusing unprotected sex behavior among college students in Zhejiang province. Methods Stratified cluster random sampling method was conducted among college students from 13 colleges and universities in Zhejiang province, from October to November, 2018. A total of 3 718 students who self-reported "ever having had sexual contacts" were enrolled. Chi-square test was used to compare the confidence of rejecting unprotected sex under different demographic characteristics, sexual attitude/behaviors and different intervention approaches. Multivariate logistic regression model was used to analyze the related factors. Results A total of 3 718 college students were involved in this study with average age as (20.17±1.38) years old and 70.5% (2 620/3 718) were male. The proportions of having confidence to refuse unprotected sex behavior were 74.9% (1 963/2 620) of male and 77.9% (896/1 098) of female students, respectively. According to the results from multivariate logistic regression analysis, factors that related to the confidence of refusing unprotected sex behavior in male students would include, did not accept casual sex behavior (compared with accepted students, OR=2.247, 95% CI:1.828-2.762), did not accept homosexual behavior (compared with accepted students, OR=1.810, 95% CI:1.302-2.516), having casual sex behavior in the past one year (compared with having no sex behavior, OR=1.345, 95% CI:1.051-1.721), aware of the availability of HIV self-test reagents service in college (compared with did not knew, OR=1.381, 95% CI:1.011-1.887), having taken the HIV infection risk self-assessment in college (compared with did not take, OR=1.707, 95% CI:1.374-2.121). In female students, the factors would include:being urban resident (compared with rural residence, OR=1.816, 95% CI:1.225-2.693), 21 years old or above (compared with 20 years old or below, OR=1.469, 95% CI:1.075-2.007), having taken the HIV infection risk self-assessment in college (compared with did not take, OR=1.597, 95% CI:1.093-2.333), etc. Conclusions Both male and female college students had higher confidence in refusing unprotected sex behavior. For male students, refusing casual or homosexual contacts, having casual sex in the recent year, knowing HIV self-test reagents service and having had HIV-related risk self-assessment in college as related factors. However, for female students; city residence, 21 years old and above, and having a HIV infection risk self-assessment in college appeared as related factors. Sexual health education should be strengthened to reduce unprotective sex behavior and to promote HIV infection risk self-assessment among the college students.
Key words: Unprotected sex behavior    Refuse    Confidence    College student    




2.研究方法:采用横断面调查的方法。根据横断面调查样本量计算公式,结合国内大学生性行为发生率10%~20%,估算样本量为683~1 537人。


(2)抽样方法和样本量:采用分层整群抽样方法,每所高校随机抽取3个院系,按照一至四年级分为4层,每层采用随机数字法抽取班级,共1 241个,本科院校完成2 400人,大专院校完成1 800人,估计样本量为4 200人。



3.统计学分析:采用问卷星TM和Excel 2010软件收集和整理数据,利用SPSS 19.0软件进行统计学分析。计数资料采用频数(百分比)表示,组间差异比较采用χ2检验、单因素分析筛选自变量(筛选标准为P<0.2),采用多因素logistic回归模型分析大学生有信心拒绝无保护性行为的相关因素。以P<0.05差异有统计学意义。


1.人口学特征:共纳入研究对象3 718人,男生2 620人,女生1 098人。年龄(20.17±1.38)岁,其中≤20岁占60.6%,户籍以农村为主(75.9%),年级以大二和大三为主(64.2%),月均生活费以1 000~3 000元为主(69.6%),父母关系很好比例最高(2 666,71.7%)。经χ2检验,仅女生在户籍、年龄方面是否有信心拒绝无保护性行为差异有统计学意义(χ2=5.618、7.961,均P<0.05);男、女生在年级、生活费、家庭关系等方面差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)(表 1)。

表 1 浙江省大学生研究对象社会人口学特征

2.有信心拒绝无保护性行为的单因素分析:如果性行为时未携带安全套或者性伴不同意使用安全套时,74.9%的男生和77.9%的女生有信心不发生性行为,经χ2检验,不同性别的大学生在拒绝无保护性行为的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);将性态度、不同类型性行为、接受艾滋病宣传教育和检测、HIV感染风险评估等变量与不同性别大学生拒绝无保护性行为信心进行χ2分析,结果显示:男生中,不接受临时性行为、男男性行为的比例较高,有信心拒绝无保护性行为的差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05);最近1年发生过固定性行为、临时性行为与商业性行为,接受过学校艾滋病专题讲座、通过学校网络了解过艾滋病信息、接受过学校开展的艾滋病检测宣传以及风险评估,知道学校有无自我检测试剂售卖或领取,有信心拒绝无保护性行为信心的差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。女生中,城市户籍、年龄≥21岁、接受过学校开展的风险评估,有信心拒绝无保护性行为的差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。见表 2

表 2 浙江省大学生有信心拒绝无保护性行为的相关因素分析

3.有信心拒绝无保护性行为的多因素分析:多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,男生的相关因素包括不接受临时性行为(与接受的相比,OR=2.247,95%CI:1.828~2.762)、不接受男男性行为(与接受的相比,OR=1.810,95%CI:1.302~2.516)、最近1年发生临时性行为(与未发生的相比,OR=1.345,95%CI:1.051~1.721)、知道学校有HIV自检试剂(与不知道的相比,OR=1.381,95%CI:1.011~1.887)、接受过学校开展HIV感染风险自我评估(与未接受的相比,OR=1.707,95%CI:1.374~2.121);女生的相关因素包括来自城市(与来自农村的相比,OR=1.816,95%CI:1.225~2.693)、≥21岁(与≤20岁的相比,OR=1.469,95%CI:1.075~2.007)、接受过学校开展HIV感染风险自我评估(与未接受的相比,OR=1.597,95%CI:1.093~2.333)。见表 2








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姜婷婷 , 陈琳 , 周欣 , 王憓 , 陈婉君 , 陈卫永 , 吴瑕 , 金骆彬 , 朱红薇 , 马瞧勤