Epidemiological Survey of Hypertention among Tibetian Nationality in Qinghai Plateau
收稿日期:  出版日期:2021-06-09
吴天一 青海高原心脏病研究所 
徐复达 青海高原心脏病研究所 
刘华 青海高原心脏病研究所 
刘品发 青海高原心脏病研究所 
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      A survey of hypertension was undertaken among 8,330 people who were mainly Tibetian herdsmen together with a minor proportion of semiagricult-ural-semiherdsmen. They were from 22 people’s communes, 13 counties of Mongolian, Tibetian, Hasakan autonomous states of western Qinghai Province and 5 Tibetian autonomous states in the same province i.e. Hainan, Haibei, Huangnan, Guole, Yushu states. All the above mentioned places are located in Qinghai-Tibet plateau with elevation of 3,050-5,188 meters above sea level. The survey indicated that the morbidity of hypertention was 2.59% and a standardized rate of 2.73%. No difference was found between male and female (P>0.05). The morbidity of borderline hypertension was 1.04% with standardized rate 1.11%. The morbidity in Tibetian nationality is less than that in Han, Mongolian and Musiine nationalities, whereas that between Sala and Tu nationalities showed no significant difference. The morbidity of Tibetian herdsmen was lower than that of semiagricultural-semiherdsmen. The ratio between their standardized rates was found to be 2.06% : 3.48%. when compared with Tibetian populations in other places, the standardized rates between Qinghai and Gannan showed no difference (P>0.0).iNevertheless, it was lower than that of Ganzi, Sichuan(P<0,01) and of Lhasa, Tibet (P<0.001). Analysis of the low morbidity in Tibetian Nationality might permit us to conclude that long-term adaptation in the environment with less oxygen tension might lead to high pulmonary arterial pressure and low systemic pressure.
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