王承全,杨绍金,邱美颂,甘源泉,李新发,刘兴富,吕全勇,周相朝.湖北省兴山县肺吸虫病流行病学调查[J].中华流行病学杂志,1986,7(1):45-47 |
湖北省兴山县肺吸虫病流行病学调查 |
An Epidemiological Investigation on Paragonimiasis in Xingshan County, Hubei Province |
收稿日期: 出版日期:2021-05-24 |
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摘要点击次数: 1930 |
全文下载次数: 677 |
中文摘要: |
于1977~84年对湖北省兴山县进行了并殖吸虫流行病学调查,人群皮试91,856人,占人口总数的53.7%,结果有9,468人被感染,发病4,623人,平均感染率为10.31%,患病率为5.03%,其中男性高于女性,2~29岁感染率构成高达86.45%。病例中有典型游走性包块者占4.0%,非典型患者占96%,嗜酸粒细胞增高占78.9%,患者有吃蟹史占98.28%。螺、蟹平均感染率分别为65.62/万、28.48%,保虫宿主感染率为61.76%,虫种为斯氏并殖吸虫。并首次发现湖北小豆螺、圆顶华溪蟹为并殖吸虫新的中间宿主。据本调查证实兴山县为并殖吸虫病流行区。 |
英文摘要: |
An epidemiological survey on paragonimisis in Xingshan county, HuBei Province was carried out durig 1977-1984. 91.856 persons (53.7% of the total population in the county) have been examined, among them, 9.468 were infected and 4,623 attacked, the infections rate was 10.31%while the morbidity was 5.03%. The male was higher than female in the infections rate and morbidity, the infections rate of 2-29 years age group was as high as 86.45%. Among the patients, 4%showed migratory tumor, 96% was not typical case, 78.9% was eosinophilia and 98.28% had the history of eating freshwater crabs. The mean infections rate of freshwater shellfish (first host) was 65.62. while that of freshwater crabs (second host) was 28.48%, the mean infections rate of reservior host (last host) was 61.76%. The species of the paragonimus is Paragonimus skrjabini (Chen 1959). It was the first discovering that B. hubeiensis and S. iuopoterisitum are the first host of P. skrjabini. The above results showed that Xingshan county was an epidemic area of the paragonimiasis. |
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