A Preliminary Investigation on the Role of Selenium and Other Trace Elements in the Pathogenesis of Gastric Cancer
收稿日期:  出版日期:2021-05-29
中文关键词:       微量元素  土壤酸度  胃癌  病因学
英文关键词: Selenium  Zinc  Copper  Trace element  Acidity of soil  Gastric cancer  Etiology
李东光 大连医学院 
乔树民 大连医学院 
田忠厚 大连医学院 
高晓虹 大连医学院 
摘要点击次数: 1861
全文下载次数: 548
      Starting from reassurance of the areas with high and low gastric cancer mortalities by personal house to house canvass, the soil Se, Cu, Zn and corn-Se concentration in both areas had been sampled and determined. It was found that there were no consistent associations between the Se concentrations in environmental soil or cereals and the mortality of gastric cancers. Then a simple and direct inference to regard Se deficiency as an etiologic factor of stomach cancer was apparently not correct. However, it was disclosed in this survey that the concentration of Zn, Cu and the acidity of soils are significantly higher in the high gastric cancer mortality areas than in low areas. These. differences might be relevant to or interfering with antitumour role, if any, of Se, and might provide a lead for further investigation into the complex webb of cancer causation. The determination and comparison of hair Se levels for the selected patients and controls in both areas suggested that the low Se status in patients' body occured after they had suffered from gastric cancer and seems to be a result of cancer development rather than a causative factor.
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