Experimental Study on Biting, Trans-Stadial and Transovarian Transmission of Epidemic Haemorrhagic Fever Virus by Gamasid Mites Ornithonyssus bacoti
收稿日期:  出版日期:2021-05-31
中文关键词: 流行性出血热病毒  革螨(柏禽刺螨)  叮刺传播  经期传递  经卵传递
英文关键词: EHFV  gamasid mites (Ornithonyssus bacoti)  Biting transmission  Trans-stadial transmission  Transovarian transmission
诸葛洪祥 苏州医学院寄生虫学教研室 
孟阳春 苏州医学院寄生虫学教研室 
蓝明扬 苏州医学院寄生虫学教研室 
周洪福 苏州医学院寄生虫学教研室 
摘要点击次数: 2666
全文下载次数: 624
      The identified EHFV strain Su-163 was firstly inoculated into suckling mice. Then let nymphs and adults of gamasid mites (Ornithonyssus bacoti) bite the infected mice. On the 10th, 15th and 25th days, let these mites and their 2nd generation protonymph bite healthy suckling mice. The EHF antigen was tested with indireot immunofluoreseent technique. It was shown that the specific fluorescence granules were detected in all of them except the group of 2nd generation protonymph on the 10th day, while in the control & suckling mice, the reovirus types I, II were all negative, and that the specific fluorescence reaction could be blocked by EHFV immuno-serum.
Thus, we, for the first time, provided evidence that O. bacoti could transmit EHFV not only by biting, but also by trans-stadial and transovarian. The virus could survive in the mites for at least 25 days. As O. bacoti is the predominant species on rats and mice, widely in distribution, large in number, and exclusively hemophilic, and its seasonal fluctuation is in conforming with the incidence of human EHF, we consider-that it may possibly be the vector and reservoir of both urban and laboratory animal types of EHF.
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