Study on the Infectious State of Legionella in Chinese Soldiers
收稿日期:  出版日期:2021-05-31
中文关键词: 军团病  嗜肺军团病菌  抗军团病菌1型抗体
英文关键词: Legionnaires disease  Legionella pnemophoaila  Anti-L
钟佛锦 空军南京医院 
吕国强 空军南京医院 
潘根娣 空军南京医院 
宋玉萍 空军南京医院 
摘要点击次数: 1942
全文下载次数: 593
      This paper reports that 655 chinese soldiers of different types of work were examined with distribution of PHA antibody levels against legionella paeumophila serogroup 1 (Anti-LDB1). The results showed that the ratio of Anti-LDB1 was as high as 17.4%. There was no statistic difference among 4 groups of soldiers with different types of work (P>0.25). However, the anti-LDB1 rate in winter and spring was much higher than that in summer (P<0.005). The average values of titers of anti-LDB1 in winter and spring were 4 and 1.61 times respectively as high as in summer. The IgA content in serum was raised simultaneously with the distribution of anti-LDB1 (P<0.005), but no statistic relation was concerned with IgG, IgM and ANF, RF, LTT, EaRFc, EtRFc. During half to 3 years, the history of infection in respiratory tract was not statistioally related with the distribution of anti-LDB1 (P=0.25). The rate of anti-LDB1 of the soldiers born in subtropical zone was higher than those born in frigid zone (t=6.011).
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