袁承德,迮文远,杨进业,李美娟,苏万年,杨宏徽,刘保奎,张国强,董春明,李淑云,张国华,王沼威,黎国形,何秀芳.乙型肝炎疫苗与婴儿期常用疫苗同时接种的免疫应答与反应观察:Ⅱ.乙型肝炎疫苗与乙型脑炎、麻疹疫苗同时接种的免疫应答与反应观察[J].中华流行病学杂志,1989,10(4):210-214 |
乙型肝炎疫苗与婴儿期常用疫苗同时接种的免疫应答与反应观察:Ⅱ.乙型肝炎疫苗与乙型脑炎、麻疹疫苗同时接种的免疫应答与反应观察 |
Immune Response and Reactions to Simultaneous Administration of Hepatitis B Vaccine With Routine Vaccine in Children II. Immune Response and Reactions to Simultaneous Administration of Hepatitis B Vaccine with Japanese B Encephalitis Vaccine and Measles Vaccine |
收稿日期: 出版日期:2021-06-01 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 同时接种 乙型脑炎疫苗 麻疹疫苗 乙型肝炎疫苗 |
英文关键词: Simultaneoue administration Immune response DPT TOPV Hepatitis B vaccine |
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摘要点击次数: 2522 |
全文下载次数: 629 |
中文摘要: |
本文对HBV与JEV、MV同时接种的免疫应答性和反应作了研究。对0~9月龄215名婴儿随机分为Ⅰ组单独接种HBV,Ⅱ组分别接种JEV、MV,Ⅲ组HBV分别与MV、JEV同时接种,三针间隔为0、1、5个月。均作免前和免后的血清抗体测定,同时接种组的抗-HBs,JEV抗体的阳转率,GMT与单独接种无显著性差异,JEV抗体低于常规接种,MV的免疫应答性Ⅲ组低于Ⅱ组,有显著性差异。未见异常反应,一般反应均很轻微,二组间无差别,说明MV不宜与HBV同时接种,JEV不能用HBV免疫程序同时接种。 |
英文摘要: |
This paper reports the result of the immune response and reactions to simultaneous administration of DPT, TOPV and hepatitis B vaccine. 180 children (0-5 months of age) were divided into three groups.Group one was vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine alone, group two was vaccinated with DPT, TOPV vaccine, and group three was vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine, DPT and TOPV vaccine simultaneously. The result of the immune response to the combination of hepatitis B with DPT, TOPV vaccines were similar to that observed after immunization with each vaccine alone.The general reactions of all vaccines were mild, no significant difference between each group was noted The study demonstrated that children can be immunized with hepatitis B vaccine and DPT, TOPV vaccines simultaneously. |
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