王俊升,Marguerite Brown-schlumpt,Arnold Brown.用EDTA制备军团菌抗原检测血清抗体的研究[J].中华流行病学杂志,1992,13(2):110-112
A Study on EDTA antigens for detection of IgG antibodies to Legionella Pneumophila
收稿日期:1990-10-18  出版日期:2021-06-03
中文关键词: EDTA抗原  超声波抗原  敏感度  特异度
英文关键词: EDTA antigen  Sonicate antigen  Sensitivity  Specificity
王俊升 山西医学院流行病学教研室, 太原市, 030001 
Marguerite Brown-schlumpt 美国南卡州VA医院 
Arnold Brown 美国南卡州VA医院、南卡大学微生物学免疫学教研室 
摘要点击次数: 1704
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      用简化方法提取Lp1~6和Legionella micdadei (Tatlock)的EDTA抗原并和超声波抗原平行检测2份医院工作人员血清,Lp1抗体滴度均为1:80~160;4例军团菌肺炎病人的7份血清中,有3份用两种抗原检测Lp1抗体滴度均升高达1:1 280~2560;另4份血清用EDTA抗原检测,结果比超声波抗原检测结果低1~3个稀释度;但均达到诊断水平(1:320)。检测33份正常人血清,与以上结果的趋势一致,提示EDTA抗原的敏感性与特异性均比较好,且制备方法简便,值得进一步研究。
      The EDTA and Sonicate antigens used in ELISA for detection of IgG antibodies to Legionella Pneumophila serogroups 1~6 and Tatlock was evaluated. Sensitivity and specificity of EDTA antigens were compared with Sonicate antigens in three groups of subjects.
In two serum samples from healthy employees, the Lp1 antibody titers with EDTA and Sonicate antigens were ≤ 1:160. Testing seven samples from patients indicated that four samples reacted with titers of l:1280~2 560 to Lpl with EDTA and Sonicate antigens. But in another three samples, the antibody titers to Lpl with EDTA antigen were lower 1~3 dilution than Sonicate antigen. One of the lowest titer to EDTA was 1:320 that was interpreted as positive.In all of the seven samples, the antibody titers to Lp4 and Tatlock raised to 1:640~2 560 with sonicate antigens and significantly higher than the titers with EDTA antigens (1:320~640).
The comparison between the EDTA and Sonicate antigens showed that when the antibody titer with EDTA antigens ≥ l:320 was regarded as a positive mark the sensitivity of EDTA antigens was samilar to Sonicate antigens and the specificity was better than Sonicate antigens. Preparison of EDTA antig was simple. It is worth to further study.
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