Seroepidemiologic Study on the Feasibility of Screening for the Antibody to HCV by Pooling the Serum Specimens
收稿日期:1993-04-06  出版日期:2021-05-29
中文关键词: 混合血清法  抗-HCV筛检  酶免疫法
英文关键词: Serum Pooling Method  Screening for Antibody to HCV  EIA
刘沛 徐州医学院卫生学教研室 221002 
舒华嵩 徐州医学院卫生学教研室 221002 
张言超 徐州医学院传染病学教研室 
鲍勇 徐州医学院流行病学教研室 
丁莹 徐州市中心血站 
张新英 徐州市中心血站 
摘要点击次数: 1990
全文下载次数: 494
      The feasibility of screening for the antibody to HCV by pooling 10 serum specimens was studied by utilizing the epidemiologic method of blind randomized controlled trial. We changed only the ratio between the pooled serum specimen volume and the serum specimen diluent volume, with their total volume and single serum specium volume being as much as the volume required by EIA. Other steps were the same as those of EIA. The result showed that taking single serum specimen as the control group, the sensitivity and specificity of pooled serum specimen were 100% and 97.6%, respectively. The false positive rate was 2.4%, Kappa value was 0.95 (P<0.05). The analysis of profit found that remarkable social and economic benefit will be obtained when serum pooling method is used. These results demonstrate that pooling 10 serum specimens is feasible to screening the antibody to HCV in blood donors by EIA.
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