An Epidemiological Study on the Characteristics of Smoking Behaviors among 910 Young Workers in Shangqiu City, Henan Province
收稿日期:1994-01-17  出版日期:2021-05-20
中文关键词: 吸烟  流行病学  行为
英文关键词: Smoking  Epidemiology  Behavior
胡琳 北京医科大学 100083 
赵文立 河南省商丘地区卫生局 
曾光 中国预防医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所 
王春亮 河南省商丘地区卫生局 
朱伯建 河南省商丘地区卫生防疫站 
柔克明 中国预防医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1498
全文下载次数: 538
      This paper dealt with an epidemiological investigation on the smoking behaviors of the young people in Shangqiu city,Henan province. The period of their working history was less than 5 years and their ages younger than 30 years. The interviewees were chosen from the hospitals,middle or professional schools,and large factories in the city.There were 587 males and 339 females included in this sample. Everyone was asked to complete the self-administered questionnaire in the workplace. The total number of sample was 926. The rate of respondence was 98.3%. Of the 926 questionnaires,910(98.3%)were identified as qualified. The investigation showed that the overall smoking rate was 32.1%,with male 64.2/and female 1.5%, respctively. The smoking rate of male was approaching the highest rate of adult males in our country,much higher than that of adolescents in school. The rates were parallelly increasing with years of working. About 50% of the young smokers began to be habitual since started their job,espcially from the first four yearsof work.More than 80 percent of the smoking young workers were mild or light smokers,and did not smoke in″Ban Smoking Place″.However,the most popular places for,smoking were the place where there is a sign at their workplaces.They smoke most often with their colleagues and friends.
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