朱荫芝,杨永弘,张秀龙,张桂荣,彭华,王力,王伟娟,王蕊,Grabovskaya K.北京地区非妊娠妇女阴道B族链球菌带菌情况的调查[J].中华流行病学杂志,1996,17(1):17-19
Vaginal Colonization of Group B Streptococcus: A Study in 267 Cases of Factory Women
收稿日期:1995-05-12  出版日期:2021-05-12
中文关键词: B族链球菌  带菌率  抗生素敏感试验
英文关键词: Group B streptococcus  Carriage  Antibiotic resistance
朱荫芝 北京天坛医院妇产科 100050 
杨永弘 北京儿科研究所微生物免疫室 
张秀龙 北京天坛医院妇产科 100050 
张桂荣 北京儿科研究所微生物免疫室 
彭华 北京儿科研究所微生物免疫室 
王力 北京天坛医院妇产科 100050 
王伟娟 北京天坛医院妇产科 100050 
王蕊 北京天坛医院妇产科 100050 
Grabovskaya K 俄国圣彼得堡实验医学研究所WHO链球菌中心 
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      An epidemiologic study on vaginal colonization of group B streptococcus (GBS) from non-pregnancy women was carried out. Two hundreud sixty seven female workers were studied. The carrier rate of GBS in vaginal specimens was 10.86%. Women aged 45 years old and above had more cases with genital tract GBS colonization. Women with vaginal colonization had more history of miscarriage and using IUD. We did not find the positive correlations between vaginal colonization and oral contraceptive, ovarian cyst; hysteromyoma in our study group. Women with gynecologic inflammation had more cases with vaginal GBS colonization. There is a significant increase for women with vaginitis and cervicitis. Serotyping study showed that types Ⅲ and Ⅱ were the most frequent GBS types isolated from the carriers. Antibiotic sensitivity test showed that more than half GBS strains were resistant to oxcillin and amikacin.
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