Criterion on the Screening for Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) Surveillance
收稿日期:1995-11-15  出版日期:2021-05-13
中文关键词: 急性弛缓性麻痹  监测  筛检指标
英文关键词: Acute flaccid paralysis(AFP)  Surveillance  Screening criterion
戴振威 安徽省卫生防疫站 合肥 230061 
刘宏杰 安徽省卫生防疫站 合肥 230061 
沈永刚 安徽省卫生防疫站 合肥 230061 
刘丹青 安徽省卫生防疫站 合肥 230061 
陈晓琴 安徽省卫生防疫站 合肥 230061 
余文周 安徽省卫生防疫站 合肥 230061 
摘要点击次数: 2279
全文下载次数: 639
      Using AFP as the criterion for surveillance of children aged<15 years on polio eradication programme, the sensitivity is 100%. But specificity is low, with high false positivity. Through analysing all 818 cases of AFP occurred in 1991 in Anhui province,we were trying to find out a more specific criterion for the purpose of screening polio cases from AFP.
Among 818 cases of AFP aged< 15 years, most polio and non-polio AFP cases occurred under 5 years. At the onset of paralysis, 87.63% of the polio cases presented with fever, compared with 45.99% of non-polio AFP cases did. There fore we chose age and fever at the onset of paralysis as the criterion for screening tests. In parallel tests, the sensitivity was very high, but the specificity was still low. In serial tests, the combination of age under< 6 and fever at onset of paralysis resulted in a sensitivity of 81.44% and specificity of 65.54%. This results suggested that by screening the cases of AFP aged< 6 years who had fever at the onset of paralysis, the number of sample size under testing can he largely reduced, with a minimal compromise in the sensitivity. As for surveillance purpose, the criterion can be used to identify more critical cases followed by urgent attention.
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