An Analysis of YPLL, WYPLL and VYPLL in Guangzhou, 1983-1994
收稿日期:1995-01-11  出版日期:2021-05-13
中文关键词: 潜在生命年数损失  潜在工作年数损失  潜在价值年数损失
英文关键词: Year of potential life lost (YPLL)  Work year of potential life lost (WYPLL)  Valued year of potential life lost (VYPLL)
杨智聪 广东省广州市卫生防疫站 510080 
周秀珍 广东省广州市卫生防疫站 510080 
摘要点击次数: 1568
全文下载次数: 514
      In order to assess the health status and risk of various diseases in the population of Guangzhou, the surveillance data of death in 1983-1991 in Guangzhou was analyzed by indicesas:year of potential life lost (YPLL), work year of lost (WYPLL) and valued year of potential life lost (VYPLL). It was indicated that both Chinese standardized mortality rates (CSMR) and Chinese standardized rates (CSYPLLR) had been declined from 448.2×10-5 and 53.16‰ to 398.6×10-5 and 42.29‰ during 1983-1994, respectively. It was suggested that the health status of inhabitants in Guangzhou had been gradually improved. Cancer. lesion and poisoning, cardiovascular diseases rank top in CSYPLLR, were the most important diseases affecting life span of the inhabitants. Lesion and poisoning, infectious disease, psychotic disease, ranked the first in Chinese tandardized WYPLL rates (CSWYPLLR) and Chinese standardized VYPLL rates (CSVYPLLR), were important factors that periled the society labor force and economic development. By comparison of sex, both CSMR and CSYPLLR were higher in male than in female (u=14.76, P<0.01; u=27.05, P<0.01, respectively). Although both values of CSWYPLLR and CSVYPLLR were negative, they were still higher in male than in female. The zero-age-group was far more higher than all the other age groups in CSPLLR, CSWYPLLR and CSVYPLLR.
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