Analysis on the Immuno-Eff ects of Two Diff erent Japanese Encephalit is Virus Vacc ines
收稿日期:1997-06-10  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 流行性乙型脑炎  灭活疫苗  减毒活疫苗  阳性率
英文关键词: Japanese e ncepha litis  Inactiva ted v accine  Liv e at tenuated v accine  Po sitiv er ate
郭万申 河南省卫生防疫站, 郑州 450003 
李林村 河南省卫生防疫站, 郑州 450003 
吴振溢 河南省卫生防疫站, 郑州 450003 
曾贵金 河南省卫生防疫站, 郑州 450003 
余福勋 河南省卫生防疫站, 郑州 450003 
张彦平 河南省卫生防疫站, 郑州 450003 
李林红 河南省卫生防疫站, 郑州 450003 
荆瑞芳 郑州市金水区卫生防疫站 
韩焕侠 郑州市金水区卫生防疫站 
王文周 河南省西华县 
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      将 319名受隐性感染机会较少的 5~ 18月龄的婴幼儿分为两组,分别接种乙型脑炎 (乙脑 )灭活疫苗和减毒活疫苗。经间接免疫荧光法检测其血清抗体发现,免疫前血清抗体仅有 3.76%阳性。基础免疫后,两种疫苗的抗体阳性率分别增加至 59.56%和 56.0 8%,但尚不能达到保护性水平。 1年后加强注射 1针,1个月后阳性率分别增加至 94.62 %和 98.2 1%,GMT也明显增加,半年后,阳性率改变为 72.34 %和 94.74 %。减毒活疫苗在加强免疫后的免疫效果及持久性明显高于灭活疫苗。根据观察结果认为,乙脑灭活疫苗免疫,应基础免疫两针,间隔 7~ 10天,第二年加强免疫1针之后,间隔 1年再加强 1针。减毒活疫苗基础免疫 1针,第二年加强 1针,经 4~ 5年后再加强注射。由于减毒活疫苗高的免疫效果,较少的接种次数以及较高的安全性,适宜于广大地区推广应用。
      319 infants aged 5-18 months were divided in to 2 groups and immunized with Japanese encephalitis virus inactivated vaccine and live attenuated vaccine respec tively. Under thedetection of serum antibody, a 3. 76% serum antibody positive rate was revealed before the immunization. However, after the basic immuni zation the serum positive rates of the two vaccines reached 59. 56% a nd 56. 08% respectively but still under the protective level. The infants were then given booster injection one year later. The serum positive rates reached 94. 62% and 98. 21% respectively1 month later. When six months after the booster immunization, the positiverates were 72. 34%and 94. 74% r espectively. According to the result, the following immunization order was recommend.For inactivated vaccine: 2 injections are given with an interval of 7-10 days for basic immunization and boo ster immunization be given in the second and third years. For live attenuated vaccine:one injection is given for basic immunization then booster dosebe given in the second yea r and4-5 years later.
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