Analysis of Clincal Poliomyelitis in Shandong Province from 1993-1996
收稿日期:1998-04-17  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 脊髓灰质炎  疫苗相关病例  急性弛缓性麻痹
英文关键词: Polio Vaccine Associated  Paralytic  Poliomyelitis(VAPP) AFP
雷杰 山东省卫生防疫站,济南 250014 
李黎 山东省卫生防疫站,济南 250014 
徐爱强 山东省卫生防疫站,济南 250014 
刘桂芳 山东省卫生防疫站,济南 250014 
刘萍 山东省卫生防疫站,济南 250014 
王同展 山东省卫生防疫站,济南 250014 
姜萍 山东省卫生防疫站,济南 250014 
周晓琳 山东省卫生防疫站,济南 250014 
王海岩 山东省卫生防疫站,济南 250014 
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      Wild poliovirus has not been isolated in Shandong province since Apr.1991. However,71 clinically polio cases were diagnosed by an expert group, including 50 potential Vaccine Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis (VAPP) including 31 having the sabin strain in the stools, from 1993 to 1996. The overall frequency of VAPP was one case per 1.25 million doses distributed. The relative frequencies of first dose in the OPV series was one case per 218 800 doses vs one case per 1.01 million for second dose. Based on data from the 31 cases,we estimated that the rates had been one case per 438 000 first dose and one case per 6.42 million second dose and one case per 10.44 million among the contacts of the cases. This results seemed to be higher than from other reports. Clinically confirmed poliomyelitis cases in Shandong were diagnosed by the experts group. The classification of clinical polio cases is important in the polio eradication program.
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