A Prevalence study on injuries among 2553 children 7-16 years old
收稿日期:1998-07-06  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 伤害  发生率  预防
英文关键词: Injuries  Incidence  Prevention
李丽萍 汕头大学医学院卫生学教研室 515031 
黄革 汕头大学医学院卫生学教研室 515031 
马小红 汕头大学医学院卫生学教研室 515031 
罗家逸 汕头大学医学院卫生学教研室 515031 
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      目的 了解儿童伤害的现状及其原因。方法 采用整群抽样的方法,对广东省汕头市2所小学及1所中学的7~16岁在校学生共2553 名一年中的伤害发生情况进行调查。结果 伤害发生率为37.96%,男性儿童伤害发生率明显高于女性(< 0.05;38.1% 的儿童一年中发生两次以上的伤害。随着年龄的增加发生率呈增长趋势;在发生的伤害类型中,跌伤的发生率占首位;居前4 位的伤害原因是玩耍、运动、骑车及走路;伤害发生地点主要在家中,其次为校内;伤害发生形式以自伤为主,其次为他伤;中度和重度伤害占8%,伤害致残率为121.4/10万。结论 应针对伤害原因采取有效措施,减少少年儿童伤害的发生。
      Objective In order to find out the present situation and cause of injuries among children.Methods A cluster sampling study on the conditions of injuries was conducted among 2553 children 7-16 years old during the period of October 1996 to September 1997 in Shantou City, Guang dong Province.Results There was a trend that the incidence of injuries increased with age among children. The overall incidence of injuries was 37.96% with schoolboys higher than schoolgirls (P<0.05).There were 38.1% children who had more than two episodes.Falls took the leading type of incidence among both sexes and all age groups. Among the causes of injuries, playing, motion, riding and walking ranked the consecutive leading 4 places.The places where injuries occur red were mainly at home and then on campus.Self injured was mostly seen followed with hurt by others (classmate, sibling, et al). Medium and serious injuries took up 8% with a disability rate of 121.4/100000.Conclusion Some preventive measures were preliminarily suggested.
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