A large-scale study on the safety and epidemiological efficacy of Japanese encephalitis(JE)livevaccine(SA14-14-2) in the JE endemic areas.
收稿日期:1998-04-06  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 流行性乙型脑炎  减毒活疫苗  流行病学
英文关键词: Japanese encephalitis (JE)  Live JE vaccine (SA14-14-2)  Epidemiology
周本立 卫生部成都生物制品研究所 610063 
贾丽丽 中国药品生物制品检定所 
许先兰 安徽省卫生防疫站 
王怀明 涡阳县卫生防疫站 
薛振亚 蒙城县卫生防疫站 
张振军 涡阳县卫生防疫站 
张岷 卫生部成都生物制品研究所 610063 
张然 中国药品生物制品检定所 
张立平 卫生部成都生物制品研究所 610063 
孙应强 涡阳县卫生防疫站 
姚亚夫 卫生部成都生物制品研究所 610063 
陈品权 卫生部成都生物制品研究所 610063 
苏斌 安徽省卫生防疫站 
许明德 安徽省卫生防疫站 
岳广智 中国药品生物制品检定所 
马志欣 安徽省卫生防疫站 
赵键 蒙城县卫生防疫站 
高顶元 涡阳县卫生防疫站 
俞永新 中国药品生物制品检定所 
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      目的 考核乙脑减毒活疫苗大面积接种后的安全性和降低乙脑发病率,在乙脑高发区安徽省蒙城和涡阳县进行为期5年(199~1996年)的人群观察。方法 观察对象为1~6 岁儿童。1岁初免1针,2岁加强1针。结果 通过5年连续观察共接种乙脑活疫苗335941人。表明:① 疫苗对小龄儿童接种后近期和5年内均未出现不良反应,表明疫苗是安全的。② 当地乙脑平均总发病率有显著性下降,从接种观察前1987~1991年的11.34/10 万下降到1992~1996年的2.74/10 万(< 0.005)。③ 1~6 岁儿童发病专率观察前5年涡阳县平均为56.24/10 万,蒙城县为44.57/10 万;普种后5年,两县分别下降至13.83/10 万和16.94/10 万(< 0.005)。④ 有接种史儿童发病率明显低于无接种史的儿童(2 =.21/10 万和358.1/10 万)。18例死亡病例全部为无接种史者。⑤ 疫苗免疫一针后中和抗体阳转率为83.87% ~94.74%。结论 乙脑活疫苗安全有效,接种后可明显提高机体的免疫力,对降低乙脑发病控制流行效果显著。
      Objective To measure the safety and epidemiological efficacy of Japanese encephalitis live vaccine (SA14-14-2).Methods Guoyang and Mengcheng counties in Anhui Province, were chosen as observed spots where high incidence of JE was noticed in China.1-6 years old children in two counties were inoculated with vaccine manufactured by Chengdu Biological Products I nstitute in the beginning of 1992.All children of 1-6 years old received one primary dose of live vaccine and the children at one or two years old were respectively given one dose for primary or booster vaccination in 1993-1996.Side effects of live vaccine had been under surveillance for five years for its safety JE cases during the epidemic season (Jun to October), were diagnosed clinically and serolo gically.Results Data on the safety and efficacy of the JE live vaccine(SA14-14-2)are listed as follows: 1) During 1992-1996, a total number of 335941 children at 1-6 year old were vaccinated. No vaccine-associated encephalitis, meningitis or other serious adverse events were observed. 2) The incidence of JE case has greatly declined since the beginning of large-scale vaccination. The average JE morbidity decreased from 11.34/ 100000 in 1987-1991 to 2.74/100000 in 1992-1996 (P<0.005).3) The incidence of JE case in 1-6 years old in that period reduced as well. The average JE morbidity decreased from 56.24/100 000 to 13.83/100000 in Guoyang and from 44.57/100000 to 16.94/100000 in Mengcheng counties respectively (P<0.005). Most of the JE cases (94%) occurred in the unvaccinated children including all the 18 death cases. 4) Serum antibody response to immunization were measured by plaque reduction neutralization test. Neutralizing antibody seroconversion after one single vaccination were 83.87%-94.74 %.Conclusion The results further confirmed that JE live vaccine is safe for children and effective for prevention from JE disease in JE endemic areas.
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