Prevalence study of congenital heart disease in children aged 0-2 in Zhejiang province
收稿日期:1998-10-21  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 先天性心脏病  患病率  婴幼儿
英文关键词: Congenital heart disease  Prevalence rate  Infant and toddler
张泽峰 北京医科大学中国妇婴保健中心, 北京 100083 
李竹 北京医科大学中国妇婴保健中心, 北京 100083 
季成叶 北京医科大学中国妇婴保健中心, 北京 100083 
李松 北京医科大学中国妇婴保健中心, 北京 100083 
洪世欣 北京医科大学中国妇婴保健中心, 北京 100083 
赵平 北京医科大学中国妇婴保健中心, 北京 100083 
王太梅 北京医科大学中国妇婴保健中心, 北京 100083 
李万镇 北京医科大学第一医院 
马郁文 北京医科大学第一医院 
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      Objective T o find out t he prevalence rate of Congenital Heart Disease ( CHD) among infants and toddlers. Methods Heart auscultation and echo cardiography ex amination on children aged 0-2 were examined in 13 cities ( or counties) in Zhejing prov ince.Results Findings showed that the prevalence rate in children aged 0-2 was 3. 72 . The pr evalence rates of CHD were quite different among age groups with the highest ( 5. 54 ) in age group 0, follow ed by 3. 36 in age g roup 1 and lowest ( 2. 66 ) in ag e gr oup 2. No significant differ ence of prevalence r ates w as found between different sex. Ventricular septal defects ( 59. 4% ) was noticed as the most common lesion.Conclusion The evidence indicated that CHD is one of the most important problems of public health in China.Preventing its o ccurr ence by co nduct ing CHD surveillance and its etiolog ic research will have great significance for enhancing the qualities of life of children.
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