Association between both triglyceride level,newly identified carotid plaque and middle-aged and elderly population.Beijing
收稿日期:1999-07-15  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 甘油三酯|颈动脉斑块|血脂异常|动脉粥样硬化
英文关键词: glyceride|Carotid plaque|Dyslipidemia|Atherosclerosis
王克安 中国预防医学科学院,北京,100050 
摘要点击次数: 3027
全文下载次数: 1867
      糖尿病(Diabetes mellitus,DM)是广泛存在于世界各地的,以高血糖为主要标志的内分泌代谢性疾病,是严重威胁人类健康的主要慢性病之一。WHO资料表明,全球糖尿病患者1998年为1.48亿,预测到2025年将上升为3亿;1995年发展中国家糖尿病患者占全世界的60%,到2025年将占80%。
      ObjectiveTo evaluate the association between triglyceride(TG)level and newly identified 5-year carotid plaque and to explore the prediction value of TG 1evel on the newly—identified carotid plaque with risk factors of traditional atherosclerosis.Methods A cohort study was adopted.The baseline survey including CVD risk factors and B-mode ultrasound of carotid artery was performed in 2002 and the second followUp-examination was performed in 2007. e evaluated 1949 participants with lipid measurements and B—mode ultrasound of carotid arteriesin the two surveys(with mean age as 57. 9±8.1 years and 39.2% were men).The baseline TG levels were divided into four groups:groupl(TG<1.13mmol/L).group2(TG=1.13-1.69mmol/L),group3(TG=1.70一2. 25 mmoI/L)and group 4(TG≥2. 26mmol/L).Newly idenfified carotid plaque was regarded as the indicator of progression of carotid atherosclerosis.New relationship between fasting TG levels and newly identified carotid plaque was analysed.Results Compared to newly identified carotid plaque which including different TG level groups,the incidence of newly artery plaque had significantly increased a long with the increase of baseline triglyceride 1evel(30.8%.38.8%,41.9% and 44. 2%respectively.with x2=21.22. P2. 26 mmol/L)appeared a significant independent predictor of newly identified carotid plaque(OR-----1.37,95%C/:1.00一1.86).When further stratifying the traditional a therosclerosis risk factors,we found that high TG group with smoking or hypertension was an independent factor of atherosclerosis progression.Conclusion with the increase of trigly ceride levels,the rate of newly identified carotid plaqueal so increased.After adjusting age,sex,dyslipidemia and other risk factors.serum fasting TG≥2. 26 mmoI/Lappeared to be anindependent predictorof newly developed carotid plaque.
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