Ten years of experience on AIDS control in Yunnan (1989~1998)
收稿日期:1999-09-07  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: HIV感染  流行率
英文关键词: HIV infection Prevalence
张家鹏 650022 昆明云南省卫生防疫站 
程何荷 650022 昆明云南省卫生防疫站 
贾曼红 650022 昆明云南省卫生防疫站 
张勇 650022 昆明云南省卫生防疫站 
摘要点击次数: 2431
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      目的 研究云南省艾滋病病毒(HIV) 感染流行十年来的特征和趋势,讨论云南省对HIV 的流行与控制。方法 用哨点监测的方法纵向观察和比较各类人群流行率,估算HIV 感染者总数和流行率。结果 云南省1989 ~1998 年累计报告HIV 感染者5 868 例,AIDS229 例;累计流行县达103 个,其中高流行县15 个,中度流行县8 个。HIV 流行由农村向城市蔓延、由边境向内地蔓延。HIV 感染者在职业构成上农民的比例逐年下降,城市无业者所占比例至1998 年已达50.2 % ;在HIV 感染者中男性/ 女性的比例到1998 年为3∶1 ;在暴露因素中1998 年因吸毒感染的占73 %,性传播占13.6 % ;HIV 流行率逐年上升,1998 年静脉吸毒哨点HIV 流行率全省平均为24.4 % 、暗娼为2.4% 、性病哨点为1.6% 、孕产妇哨点为0.2 %。全省至1998 年累计HIV 感染人数估计为37 737 人,15 ~49 岁成人HIV 流行率为0.15 %。结论 云南省HIV 流行在继续发展,加强对该病的防制力度迫在眉睫
      Objective To monitor the epidemic trends and explore effective strategies to control the epidemic of HIV. Methods HIV infection rates among different groups were monitored using sentinel surveillance strategy while the actual number of people infected with HIV and overall prevalence were estimated based on the surveillance. Results From 1989 to 1998, a cumulative of 5 868 HIV infections and 229 AIDS cases were reported from 103 of 126 counties in Yunnan. Among them, 15 counties were classified into high epidemic level, 8 were in middle level and rest in low level. The epidemic spread from countryside to cities and from borders to inland gradually. The proportion of farmers among all occupations dropped year by year. Unemployed people accounted for 50.2% of total reported infections in 1998. Male to female ratio dropped from 20 in 1989 to 3 in 1998. Injecting drug use and sexual transmission accounted for 73% and 13.6% of total HIV infections respectively reported in 1998. On average, the prevalence of HIV infection were 24.4% in injecting drug users, 2.4% among prostitutes, 1.6% among STD patients, and 0.2% among pregnant women of HIV infections was 37 737 until 1998. The prevalence rate among adults aged 15 to 49 years was 0.15%. Conclusion The epidemic of HIV infection keep spreading in Yunnan and vigorous responses for controlling the epidemic need to be launched urgently.
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