A study on the epidemiology and preventive measure on epidemic haemorrhage fever in army barrack area in Shandong
收稿日期:1999-06-01  出版日期:2014-10-17
中文关键词: 流行性出血热  流行病学  病例对照研究
英文关键词: Epidemic haemorrhge fever (EHF)  EpidemiologyCase-control study
杨占清 济南军区军事医学研究所流行病学研究室 
苗仲水 济南军区军事医学研究所流行病学研究室 
刘运喜 济南军区军事医学研究所流行病学研究室 
吴钦永 济南军区军事医学研究所流行病学研究室 
乔正福 济南军区军事医学研究所流行病学研究室 
彭佐林 济南军区军事医学研究所流行病学研究室 
于晓敏 济南军区军事医学研究所流行病学研究室 
周进平 第四军医大学流行病学教研室 
李良寿 第四军医大学流行病学教研室 
高连奎 解放军54862部队门诊部 
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      目的 了解山东省部队驻地(驻地)流行性出血热(EHF)自然疫源地流行病学特征及其危险因素。方法 采用病原学、血清学与病例对照和病家对照研究方法,检测标本和收集资料,进行整理分析。结果 驻地存在家鼠型(91.48%)、野鼠型(7.21%)、未定型(1.31%)病人。两型病人在性别、职业和年龄分布无明显差异。全年各月均有发病,家鼠型发病高峰为3~6月份,野鼠型为11月至翌年2月;鼠肺EHF病毒(EHFV)抗原型别和血清型别均与宿主种类相一致;证实边缘住户、住室鼠患、养狗、口腔粘膜损伤、吃鼠污染食物、房周有鼠栖地在病例中的频率显著高于对照(P<0.05)。而住室鼠患、使用捕鼠器、吃未防鼠食物与边缘住户在病家中的频率显著高于对照(P<0.05);长期坚持灭鼠防鼠的综合性措施,以“一个原则五个相结合”方法,能将鼠密度常年控制在1.0%以下。结论 驻地是以家鼠型为主的家、野鼠型混合型疫区,近年疫区扩大和病例剧增是由家鼠型病毒感染所致;春夏季EHF流行,主要系家庭内感染,以鼠污染食物传播和鼠源性接触传播为主;十多年实践证明灭鼠防鼠是预防EHF的主导措施
      Objective In order to guide the army and civilians to carry out the prevention on epidemic haemorrhage fever (EHF), it's necessary to elucidate the epidemic feature of natural epidemic foci and the risk factors of EHF in the army-stationed areas. Methods Samples were tested by pathogenic and serologic means before data was collected and analyzed by case-control or family-control studies. Results Cases belong to house-mouse type (91.48%), field-mouse type (7.21%) and unclassified ( 1.31 %) coexist in the stationed area. In the two types of noticed cases, no significant difference in distributions of sex, profession and ages. Most house-mouse type cases occurred in the peak time from March to June and field-mouse type in November to next February. The type of EHF virus antigen of mice and the type of serum were both accordant with their host types. Dwelling in border area, living rooms with mice,dogs raising,injury of mouth tissue,eating food contaminated by mice,and household with mice living around were more frequently seen in cases themselves and in families of the cases than in controls of both groups ( P 0.05). The mice intensity could be under control to 1.0%, if comprehensive measure on mice control can be implemented. Conclusions The stationed area is an epidemic area mixed with both house-mouse and field-mouse types, with majority of house-mouse type. It was house-mouse type virus infection that caused the epidemic area expanded and the number of cases increased radically these years. EHF was epidemic in spring and summer season in the stationed area mainly because the infections were among family members. Food contaminated by mice or close contact with mice played an important role. Mice eradication and prevention were the leading measures to prevent EHF,from our more than ten years of experiences.
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