Study on the epidemiological features of Kawasaki disease in Jiangsu
收稿日期:1999-08-25  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 川崎病  流行病学
英文关键词: Kawasaki disease  Epidemiology
王大为 南京市儿童医院心内科 210008 
胡宝珍 南京市儿童医院心内科 210008 
王凤鸣 南京市儿童医院心内科 210008 
张拓红 北京医科大学卫生管理培训中心 
川崎富作 日本川崎病研究所 
柳川洋 日本川崎病研究所 
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      目的 了解江苏省川崎病发病情况、流行特征. 方法 制作统一调查表, 寄发至全省有儿科病床县、市级医院, 对1993年1月至1997年12月5年间住院川崎病病人进行调查, 收集调查表, 对发病年度、年龄、性别、季节、地区等方面进行分析. 结果 1993~1997年全省川崎病发病共509例, 有逐年增加趋势, 但未发现流行. 5岁以下儿童发病率为2. 53/10万. 男性发病多于女性, <2岁组男女之比为2. 1, 2~4岁组为1. 7, 5~9岁组为1. 6. 男女发病年龄高峰在6月龄至2岁之间. 南京、镇江、扬州为高发地区尤以南京最高. 509例中69例发生心脏后遗症(13. 6%), 以<2岁男性发生率高. 本组病例仅1例复发, 2例死亡. 结论 江苏省川崎病发病趋势与日本相似, 男孩多于女孩, 春季多见, 心脏后遗症发生率与日本相似, 但川崎病发病率明显低于日本, 发病年龄高峰较日本后移1岁.
      Objective To investigate the incidence of Kawasaki disease and epidemiological characteristics in Jiangsu province. Methods Questionaire and diagnostic guidelines for Kawasaki disease with color- printed photographs of typical clinical symptoms were sent to all county hospitals with pediatric beds. All the in-patients with Kawasaki disease hospitalized from January, 1993 to December, 1997 were studied regarding age, sex, season of illness, cardiac sequelae, outcome etc. Results There were 509 cases (329 males and 180 females) diagnosed with 489 cases (96%) clinically typical. The incidence of the 5-year period was averaged 2. 53 per 100 000 children under 5. The number of male patients with Kawasaki disease was higher than that in female. The age peak of incidence was between 6 month and 2-year olds. 13. 6% of all cases developed cardiac sequelae which mostly occured in males and in those younger than 2 years of age. There was one patient recurred among total patients reported (recurrence rate 0. 2%) and 2 patients died ( fatality rate 0. 4%). Conclusion The epidemiological characteristics of Kawasaki disease in Jiangsu province were similar to those in Japan in sex, season distribution and cardiac sequelae. The number of patients in male was higher than in female. Patients were more commonly seen in spring than in winter. However, the incidence rate in Jiangsu was significantly lower than that in Japan and the age peak was between 6 month and 2 years old.
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