An observation of the immuno-persistence after inoculating with the domestic BRD Ⅱ strain rubella vaccine among infants and young children
收稿日期:1999-10-28  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 风疹疫苗  免疫持久性  血凝抑制抗体
英文关键词: Rubella vaccine  Immuno-persistence  Hemagglutination inhibition antibody
徐爱强 山东省卫生防疫站计划免疫科, 济南 250014 
宋立志 山东省卫生防疫站计划免疫科, 济南 250014 
王常银 山东省卫生防疫站计划免疫科, 济南 250014 
王爱莲 山东省卫生防疫站计划免疫科, 济南 250014 
许青 山东省卫生防疫站计划免疫科, 济南 250014 
肖作奎 山东省卫生防疫站计划免疫科, 济南 250014 
王少华 山东省卫生防疫站计划免疫科, 济南 250014 
李漫时 山东省卫生防疫站计划免疫科, 济南 250014 
郝淑珍 山东省卫生防疫站计划免疫科, 济南 250014 
李震 山东省卫生防疫站计划免疫科, 济南 250014 
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      目的 研究婴幼儿接种国产BRDⅡ株风疹减毒活疫苗后的免疫持久性. 方法 以血凝抑制 (HI)抗体方法, 选择城区既往无风疹感染和风疹疫苗免疫史的 6~ 18月龄组婴幼儿, 对其接种风疹疫苗 1年和 2年后的抗体水平进行检测. 结果 在6、7、8、9、12和18月龄组初免获得成功的儿童中, 接种风疹疫苗 1年和 2年后, 各组HI抗体阳性率仍分别高达94. 44 %、97. 22%、96. 67%、100. 00%、100. 00%、100. 00%和 93. 10%、93. 55%、96. 77%、96. 97%、100. 00%、100. 00% (P>0. 05), 但免后1年和2年的GMRTs则分别较免后1个月和免后1年约降低了50%, 且免后2年6~7月龄组的GMRTs(29. 89)显著低于8~18月龄组 (53. 00)的结果(t=3. 58, P<0. 001). 结论 国产风疹疫苗起始免疫月龄不宜太小, 以儿童出生后8月龄为宜, 加强免疫的时间可暂时参考国外目前已实行的免疫方案
      Objective To study the immuno-persistence after inoculating with the domestic BRDⅡ strain rubella vaccine among infants and young children. Methods Hemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody detection method was used to test on children at age 6 to 18 months without rubella infection or rubella vaccine immunization in Yantai city of Shandong province and were selected for the observation of the immuno-persistence against the domestic BRD Ⅱ strain rubella vaccine from 1995 to 1998. Results Positive rates of HI antibody among children of 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 and 18 month-old of inoculation were 94. 44%, 97. 22%, 96. 67%, 100. 00%, 100. 00%, 100. 00% and 93. 10%, 93. 55%, 96. 77%, 96. 97%, 100. 00%, 100. 00%(P>0. 05), in one or two years nespectively. The geometric mean reverse titers (GMRTs) were about 50% lower than that after 1 month after 1 year. Similar resutls were found that after 2 years GMRTs was about 50% lower than that after 1 year of inoculation. There was highly significant difference on GMRTs of HI antibody between infants with 6 to 7 month-olds (29. 89)and young children with 8 to 18 month-olds (53. 00) after 2 years of inoculation (t=3. 58, P<0. 001). Conclusion The immunization schedule at the first dose for BRDⅡ strain rubella vaccine should be started when the child is 8 month old. For the second dose, the immunization schedule used in other developed countries should be referred adopted in China.
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