Immunohistochemical findings on liver tissue in patients with hepatitis C
收稿日期:1999-12-17  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 丙型肝炎病毒  丙型肝炎病毒-NS3  丙型肝炎病毒-NS5  免疫组织化学
英文关键词: HCV  HCV-NS3  HCV-NS5  Immunohistochemistry
陈宪锐 泰山医学院传染病教研室, 山东省泰安 271000 
玄梅香 泰安市卫生防疫站 
尹燕明 泰山医学院传染病教研室, 山东省泰安 271000 
李莉 济南市传染病医院 
魏佑农 新汶矿业集团中心医院 
赵新平 枣庄市人民医院 
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      目的 研究丙型肝炎 (丙肝 )病毒 (HCV)抗原在丙肝患者肝组织中的分布状况及其相互关系. 方法 采取免疫组织化学方法, 用多克隆抗 -HCV和单克隆抗 -HCV -NS3、抗 -HCV -NS5, 对 10 7例丙肝患者肝组织中HCV抗原进行检测. 结果 应用 3种抗体均从丙肝患者肝组织中检出相应抗原, 检出率分别为 38. 3%、2 8. 0 %和 5 2. 3% 阳性颗粒定位于肝细胞浆 阳性细胞分布呈散在、弥漫状和簇状 HCV -NS3的表达与炎症反应无明显解剖学关系, HCV -NS5阳性细胞较常见位于炎症灶旁或灶中. 结论 HCV各成分在肝组织中的表达水平存在差别 HCV -NS5的表达可能与丙型肝炎的发病机理有关
      Objective To investigate the distributions and infer relations of HCV antigens in the liver tissues. Methods Immunohistochemical techniques as polyclonal antibody to HCV, monoclonal antibody to HCV-NS3 and monoclonal antibody to HCV-NS5 were used to detect HCV antigens in 107 patients with hepatitis C. Results HCV antigens in liver tissues were identified on these three kinds of antibodies. The positive rates were 38. 3%, 28. 0% and 52. 3% respectively. The positive granules were located in the cytoplasma of liver cells. The distributions of positive cells were scattered, diffusive and clustered. No obvious anatomic association was observed between the expression of HCV-NS3 and inflammatory reaction. HCV-NS5 positive cells were more commonly seen around or in the flammatory focci. Conclusion The expressions of various components of HCV were demonstrated in different concentrations. The expressions of HCV-NS5 might be related to the pathogenesis of hepatitis C.
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