Meta-analysis on the effectiveness of community-based multiple risk factor interventions for hypertension prevention
收稿日期:2000-01-15  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 高血压  综合防治  社区  Meta分析
英文关键词: Hypertension  Multiple risk facto r interventions  Community-based  Meta-analysis
郭彧 辽宁省大连市卫生防疫站站办公室 
李立明 北京医科大学公共卫生学院流行病学教研室 
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      目的 明确社区范围高血压综合防治的效果。方法 利用Meta analysis对1970~1997年各国符合条件的高血压综合防治试验进行了综合评价,12个试验进入了本次研究。根据对研究间异质性检验结果,采用相应的模型:固定效应模型或随机效应模型。结果 高血压社区综合干预措施可在人群水平引起收缩压平均下降 1.75mmHg(sx0.5 7mmHg),舒张压平均下降1.45mmHg(sx0.43mmHg),在总人群及女性人群引起体重指数(BMI)平均下降 0.24kg/m2(sx0.0 8kg/m2)和 0.32kg/m2(sx0.15kg/m2),可使 2 5.0 7%和 40.45%的高血压患者得到治疗和控制,减少高血压患病率2.97%,在中国人群可引起脑卒中发病率下降 133/10万,对人群水平的吸烟率及高血压患者知晓率未有明显影响。结论 表明社区范围的高血压人群综合干预措施对减少人群高血压的危险因素水平、增加高血压患者的治疗率和控制率、减少高血压患病率和减少脑卒中患病率均有效果。
      Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of multiple risk factor interventions fo rhypertension prevention in the community.Method Tw elve trials of multiple risk factor interventions fo rcommunitywide hyper tension prevention acco rding to the selective criteria were assessed by Meta-analysis,from 1970 to 1997.Acco rding to the heterogeneity of the studies, two different models, namely, Fixed Effect Model and Random Effect Model, were applied to analyze theResults.Results.The intervention effects of community-based hy pertension control trials were estimated to be:a 1.75 mmHg(sx 0.57 mmHg) net decrease in mean systolic blood pressure, a 1.45 mmHg(sx0.43 mmHg)net decrease in mean diastolic blood pressure in general population, 0.24 kg/m2(sx 0.08 kg/m2) and 0.32kg/m2(sx 0.15 kg/m2)net decreases in body mass index among the to tal population and female population respectively,a 2.97% reduction in hy pertensio n prevalence, and a 133/100 000 reduction in stro ke prevanlence in the Chinese population.The intervention effects fo r the treatment and controlled of hyper tensive were sig nificant to increase 25.07% and 40.45% in the rates and controlled of treatment respectiv ely.No significant changes were noticed in the rates of smoking and hyper tensive awareness in the general population.Conclusion TheResults showed that the community-based multiple risk factor interventions for hy pertension had positive impactio n the reduction of risk factors to hyper tension, thus to incease the effects on treatment and control of hy pertension, decrease prevanlences of hypertension and stroke.
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