Prevalence of prostatic hyperplasia and its relative factors in six cities of China in 1997
收稿日期:2000-04-21  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 前列腺增生  患病率  相关因素
英文关键词: Prostatic hyperplasia  Prevalence  Relative factors
于普林 卫生部北京医院老年卫生工作领导小组办公室, 北京 100730 
郑宏 卫生部北京医院老年卫生工作领导小组办公室, 北京 100730 
苏鸿学 卫生部北京医院老年卫生工作领导小组办公室, 北京 100730 
左韬 卫生部北京医院老年卫生工作领导小组办公室, 北京 100730 
段春波 卫生部北京医院老年卫生工作领导小组办公室, 北京 100730 
高芳坤 卫生部北京医院老年卫生工作领导小组办公室, 北京 100730 
王建业 卫生部北京医院老年卫生工作领导小组办公室, 北京 100730 
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      目的 研究老年人前列腺增生的现状和分布特点。方法 采用多级、整群抽样的方法,对中国6个城市3 361例≥60岁的常住城乡老年人进行了横断面的流行病学调查。结果 前列腺增生总患病率为43.68%,按年龄分组的患病率60~、 65~、 70~、 75~、 80~、 85~岁者分别为34.48%、 40.27%、 46.77%、 51.44%、 57.32% 和 60.19%,随年龄的增长前列腺患病率增加(P<0.01);城市患病率为46.79%, 农村患病率为39.64%, 城市高于农村(P<0.01);北京、 广州地区患病率较高分别为63.28% 和 54.28% (P<0.01);前列腺增生患病率存在职业差别,从事行政管理、科教文卫职业者患病率较高分别为54.88% 和 55.17%,工人、农民的患病率较低分别为37.26% 和 41.29%(P<0.01)。多因素logistic回归分析表明,年龄、城乡、职业和地区分布与前列腺患病密切相关(P均<0.01)。结论 前列腺增生在我国患病率较高,与年龄、城乡、职业和地区有关,已成为中国老年常见病。
      Objective To study crude prevalence and distribution of the elderly prostatic hyperplasia. Methods Three thousand three hundred and sixty-one elderly aged 60 years and above in the urban and rural areas of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Xi'an and Shenyang were investigated, using clustered random sampling Methods. Results The crude prevalence of prostatic hyperplasia was found to be 43.68% with an increase with ageing (P<0.01). The crude prevalence rates of prostatic hyperplasia among the elderly of 60-, 65-, 70-, 75-, 80-, 85- years old were 34.48%、 40.27%、 46.77%、 51.44%、 57.32% and 60.19% respectively (P<0.01). Rates in the urban and rural areas were 46.79%and 39.64% respectively. The crude prevalence of urban areas was higher than that of rural areas (P<0.01) and was found higher in Beijing (63.28%) and Guangzhou (54.28%), (P<0.01).The crude rates prevalence of managers (54.88%), teachers and business men (55.17%) were in general higher than the prevalence of the workers (41.29%) and peasant (37.26%). Logistic regression analysis showed that the crude prevalence was related to ageing, profession and residential areas (P respective<0.01). Conclusion The prevalence of prostatic hyperplasia was higher in the elderly and became a common disease of the male elderly in China. Prevention and treatment of prostatic hyperplasia in the elderly should be strengthened.
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