A case-control study on the risk factors of esophageal cancer in Linzhou
收稿日期:2000-04-24  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 食管肿瘤  病例对照研究  危险因素
英文关键词: Esophageal neoplasm  Case-control study  Risk factors
陆建邦 河南省肿瘤研究所肿瘤预防研究室, 郑州 450003 
连士勇 林州市食管癌防治研究所 
孙喜斌 河南省肿瘤研究所肿瘤预防研究室, 郑州 450003 
张中兴 林州市食管癌防治研究所 
戴涤新 河南省肿瘤医院 
李变云 林州市食管癌防治研究所 
程兰平 林州市食管癌防治研究所 
魏建荣 林州市食管癌防治研究所 
段文杰 河南省肿瘤研究所肿瘤预防研究室, 郑州 450003 
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      目的 探讨林州居民食管癌发病的相关因素及其特征。方法 在全市 1995、1996两年新发生的食管癌病人中,选取 35 2例现症病人 ;另选取同性别、同年龄 (上下不超过 3岁 )的邻居为对照,进行 1∶1配对,采用统一调查表,进行回顾性入户问卷调查,资料编码量化后录入微机,应用SAS软件 。计算单因素和多因素的比值比,对相对危险进行估计。结果 显示农民家庭经济条件差,住地周围环境污染,室内油烟污染,体质指数低,常吃腌晒、腊味食品,喜热食、重盐,吸烟、饮酒以及有精神创伤、精神压抑、食管上皮增生、上消化道手术史、癌家族史者等与食管癌发病有关联,可增加发病的危险性 ;而食用大米,多吃蔬菜、水果、酸醋食品和饮茶等则为保护因素。结论 食管癌是各种环境因素对具有不同遗传素质个体长期反复作用的结果,宜采取综合性防治措施
      Objective To explo re the characteristics of prevalence and influencing factors on the genesis of esophageal cancer. Methods A population-based 1∶1 matched case-control study w as conducted in Linzhou.A total number of 352 pairs of cases and co ntrols matched on sex, age and neig hbo rhoods.Data was analysed by SAS software to calculate the odds ratio of and to evalua te the relativ e risks.Results It was found that lower socio-economic status, environmental pollution around the residential areas, lampblack in room, lower body mass index (BM I), more pickled food intake, cig aretter smoking, alcoholic drinking,vigor mental-trauma and depression were risk factors o f esophageal cancer.It also showed that the subjects having had history of upper dig estive tract operation, dy splasia of esophagus and family history of car cinoma markedly increasied the risks of developing esophag eal cancer.Conclusion Esophageal cancer seemed to be resulted from the combination of g enetic and environmental factor, hence called for of medical surveillance and comprehensive prevention
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