Hostility behavior as risk factor of coronary heart disease
收稿日期:2000-05-22  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 敌意  冠心病  行为危险因素
英文关键词: Hostility  Coronary heart disease  Behavior risk
顾东风 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学阜外心血管病医院心血管病研究所群体遗传学及防治研究室, 北京 100037 
辛雪 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学阜外心血管病医院心血管病研究所群体遗传学及防治研究室, 北京 100037 
高玖鸣 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学阜外心血管病医院心血管病研究所群体遗传学及防治研究室, 北京 100037 
朱燕 首都钢铁公司总医院 
汪红 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学阜外心血管病医院心血管病研究所群体遗传学及防治研究室, 北京 100037 
郑润平 首都钢铁公司总医院 
段秀芳 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学阜外心血管病医院心血管病研究所群体遗传学及防治研究室, 北京 100037 
刘竹 首都钢铁公司总医院 
王楠 首都钢铁公司总医院 
吴锡桂 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学阜外心血管病医院心血管病研究所群体遗传学及防治研究室, 北京 100037 
陈绍建 北京大学临床心理系 
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      目的 探讨敌意与冠心病行为危险因素之间的相关关系以及不良健康行为在敌意个体的聚集性。方法 在心血管疾病防治区的两个工厂选取年龄 18~ 6 0岁的男性职工共 10 10人进行心血管疾病危险因素调查。结果 随Cook Medley所测查的敌意分值的增高伴有体重指数的增加,吸烟量和饮酒量的增加 (P<0.0 1),从同事中获得的社会支持低,敌意高分组受教育年限少,其他慢性疾患的伴发率高 (P <0.0 5 ),随着敌意分值的增高多个不良健康行为的个体聚集率增高 (趋势 χ2 检验P <0.0 1),经多元logistic回归分析,调整了年龄、血压、受教育程度、慢性疾患及社会支持程度的混杂影响后,敌意第 4分位数组多个不良健康行为的个体聚集危险为第 1分位数组的 2.37倍 (95 %CI :1.84~ 3.0 7)。结论 由Cook Medley敌意量表测查的敌意与冠心病行为危险因素的存在和聚集相关联,提示敌意可能通过影响健康行为增加冠心病发生危险
      Objective To explore the relationships between hostility, and the risks of co ronaryprone behavior and the clusters of unhealthy behaviors in individuals w ith different levels of hostility.Methods A cross-sectional study was car ried out among 1 010 male employees from two factories in Beijing Capital Steel and Iron Company in 1997.Data on major risks of cardiovascular, o ther social-demog raphic factors and levels of hostility by Cook-Medley Scales were collected.Results Body mass index, amounts of cig are tte smoking and alcoho l drinking were sig nificantly increased (P <0.01)w ith a characteristic of reduced social support from one' s colleagues, w hen individual' s level of hostility increased.I n addition, less years of education, higher prevalence of other chronic diseases (P < 0.05) and clustering of various unhealthy behavio rs were found rela ted to the increase of individual' s hostility.The odds ratio in the g roup with highest hostility w as 2.37 times higher than in the low est one, after confounding effects from age,blood pressure, education level, status of chronic disease and social support being adjusted.No sig nificant differences on both sy stolic and diastolic blood pressures among groups with different levels of ho stility were discovered.Conclusion The association between hostility, coronary-prone risk behavio r and cluster of unhealthy behaviors sug gested that hostility might increase the risk of coronary heart diseases through affecting individual' s behavior.
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