Study of triglyceride distribution aged 35-64, and their association with other cardiovascular disease risk factors in 11 provinces
收稿日期:2000-09-05  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 甘油三酯  危险因素  流行病学
英文关键词: Trig lyceride(TG)  Risk factors  Epidemiology
王薇 北京心肺血管疾病研究所流行病学研究室, 北京, 100029 
赵冬 北京心肺血管疾病研究所流行病学研究室, 北京, 100029 
吴兆苏 北京心肺血管疾病研究所流行病学研究室, 北京, 100029 
吴桂贤 北京心肺血管疾病研究所流行病学研究室, 北京, 100029 
刘静 北京心肺血管疾病研究所流行病学研究室, 北京, 100029 
曾哲纯 北京心肺血管疾病研究所流行病学研究室, 北京, 100029 
刘军 北京心肺血管疾病研究所流行病学研究室, 北京, 100029 
秦兰萍 北京心肺血管疾病研究所流行病学研究室, 北京, 100029 
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      目的: 研究血清甘油三酯 (TG)水平分布特点及与其他心血管病危险因素的关系。方法: 以 11省市队列研究中 35~64岁男女两性 27016人基线调查结果为研究样本,对血清TG分布特点及与其他心血管病危险因素的关系进行统计学分析。结果: (1)血清TG分布存在地区间差异,最高地区是最低地区的 2.3倍;(2)男性TG水平高于女性 (P<0.001);(3)高TG血症为我国临床高脂血症分类中最常见的类型;(4)多因素分析显示男女两性TG水平与总胆固醇 (TC)、体质指数 (BMI)、血糖 (GLU)正相关,与高密度脂蛋白胆固醇 (HDL C)及体育锻炼负相关;(5)心血管病的危险因素在高TG血症患者中有聚集现象。结论: TG与多个动脉粥样硬化因子有关联,可作为多种危险因子的标志。多数高TG血症的患者伴有代谢综合征的其他异常,提示高TG血症患者可能处于心血管病的高危状态。
      Objective: Study of triglyceride distribution and their association with other major cardiovascular disease risk factors in 11 provinces. Methods: Twenty-seven thousand and sixteen persons in 11 provinces, aged 35-64, were screened for cardiovascular disease risk factors. Results: (1)Results of plasma triglyceride level distribution showed that there was significant difference among 11 province, the highest/lowest ratio was 2.3. (2) Plasma trigly ceride level was higher in men than in women (P <0.001). (3)The prevelance of hyper triglyceridemia was the most frequent type of the dislipidemia. (4)Multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, body mass index, blood pressure, blood glucose and physical activity, significantly and independently correlated with hypertriglyceridemia prevelance. (5) There existed agg regation of risk factors in hypertriglyceridemia. Seventy-one point zero percent of hypertriglyceridemia had at least one other risk factors in men and 74.4 % in women, while it was 53.8% men and 52.2% women of those with non hypertriglyceridemia (P <0.01). Conclusion: Our date indicated that fasting trig lycerides were associated with more arteriosclerosis factors and could serve as a marker for several cardiovascular disease risk factors. More patients with hypertriglyceridemia combined with other situation of metabolic sy ndromes thus might have higher risks.
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