Study on diarrhea disease and Escherichia coli strains harboring HPI pathogenicity island of Yersinia enterolitica in Shandong province
收稿日期:2000-05-11  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 腹泻病  大肠杆菌  毒力岛  耶尔森菌
英文关键词: Diarrhea disease  E.coli  HPI pathogenicity island  Yersinia enterolitica
崔树玉 山东省卫生防疫站防疫科, 济南, 250014 
温宪芹 山东省卫生防疫站防疫科, 济南, 250014 
孟蔚 山东省卫生防疫站防疫科, 济南, 250014 
孙启华 山东省卫生防疫站防疫科, 济南, 250014 
周国清 山东省卫生防疫站防疫科, 济南, 250014 
程伯鲲 中国预防医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所 
徐建国 中国预防医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所 
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      目的: 了解携带耶尔森菌HPI毒力岛的大肠杆菌的易感人群、感染率、临床症状、分离率。方法: 对 4个医院 1997年 6~ 11月就诊腹泻患者,进行流行病学调查并收集大便标本,进行细菌分离和鉴定。结果: 在 671例腹泻病人中,共检出 20个属种 449株致病菌,志贺菌检出率为25.48%,致泻性大肠杆菌为 15.05 %,对于 176株疑似产志贺样毒素且具侵袭力大肠杆菌 (ESIEC)菌株采用irp-2、ipaB 基因探针进行菌落原位杂交,检出 42株携带HPI毒力岛的大肠杆菌。与 42株携带HPI毒力岛的大肠杆菌相关的腹泻病人所表现的临床症状为食欲不振、腹痛、腹泻、寒战、乏力,体温正常或低热,粪便多为粘液便或水样便,日腹泻次数超过 6次以上者为 33例,占 78.5 7%。各年龄组均有感染,10岁以下儿童为主,占 33.33 %。结论: 自 671例腹泻病人的粪便标本中,分离到的志贺菌占首位,致泻性大肠杆菌次之;在致泻性大肠杆菌中以携带耶尔森菌HPI毒力岛的大肠杆菌为主 (6.26 % )。
      Objective: It was found that some E.coli strains previously identified as entero SLTsproducing and invasive E.coli (ESIEC), harboring HPI pathogenicity island of Yersinia enterolitica. This research was designed to reveal prevalence, susceptible group and clinical features it caused.Methods: All of the diarrhea patients were from the out-patient units of four hospitals in Shandong province from June to November of 1997. Stool specimen were collected before administration of antibiotics for isolation of enteric bacterial pathogen. Clinical symptoms were recorded at the same time. Results: A to tal number of 449 enteric pathogenic bacteria strains were detected among stool samples from 671 patients, with isolation rates of Shigella species and diarrheagenic E.coli 25.48 % and 15.05 % respectively. When irp-2 and ipaB gene fragments were used as DNA probes, 42 of 176 un-identifiable strains were found irp-2+ and ipaB-, which were identified as HPI-harboring E.coli. Typical symptoms of the diarrhea caused by HPI-harboring E.coli were described as mild, including abdominal pain, shiver and vapidity. Temperature of the patients was usually normal. Over 6 times of bowel movements per day was frequently observed, of which most were unformed stools with mucous. Conclusion: HIP-harboring E.coli was an important diarrheagenic pathogen identifed from 671 patients with diar rhea. Shigella was found to be the majority strain.
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