Immunogenicity and safety of recombinant yeast -derived hepatitis B vaccine( YDV)on adults
收稿日期:2000-10-15  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 重组酵母乙型肝炎疫苗  抗体阳转率  抗体几何平均滴度
英文关键词: Recombinant yeast-derived hepatitis B vaccine(YDV)  Positive rates of anti -HBs  Mean geometric titre( GMT)of anti-HBs
时景璞 110001 沈阳, 中国医科大学第一临床医院临床流行病学教研室 
李征远 辽宁省北票市中小学卫生保健所体检科 
郑力国 北票矿务局总医院外科 
徐占民 北票矿务局总医院外科 
王桂花 辽宁省北票市中小学卫生保健所体检科 
王昕 110001 沈阳, 中国医科大学第一临床医院临床流行病学教研室 
张群弟 110001 沈阳, 中国医科大学第一临床医院临床流行病学教研室 
杨志齐 辽宁省北票市中小学卫生保健所体检科 
孙宏章 辽宁省北票市中小学卫生保健所体检科 
郭乃全 辽宁省北票市中小学卫生保健所体检科 
梁争论 北票矿务局总医院外科 
吴晓音 北票矿务局总医院外科 
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全文下载次数: 1252
      ObjectiveTo study the immunogenicity and safety of recombinant yeast-derived hepatitis B vaccine ( YDV)on adults. Methods One hundred twenty-four healthy teachers of 22-58 years old, were randomly selected in Beipiao city, Liaoning province.Their HBsAg, anti-HBs and anti -HBc were all negative and temperature was normal.They were vaccinated with 5 μ g/ 0. 5 ml of YDV, which was made in Beijing Institute of Biologic Products, at 0, 1, 6 months.Results The positive rates of anti -HBs were 35. 0%, 83. 3%, 67. 2%( P <0. 01)with the mean geometric titre( GM T)of anti -HBs 12. 63 mIU/ml、402. 04 mIU/ml and 70. 28 mIU/ml(P<0. 01)at 3th, 7th, 12th months respectively.The positive rates of anti-HBs and GMT of anti -HBs became the highest at 7th month, then began to decrease sharply.At 3th, 7th, 12th months the positive rates of anti-HBs and GM T of anti-HBs were higher on female compared to male, but only GM T of anti -HBs was significantly different at 3th month; the positive rates of anti -HBs in below 35 years old group was higher than 35 and over years old group, but it was significantly different only at 12th month. GMT of anti-HBs between the two groups was no obvious difference.Local or systematic addictive reactions were not found in all the subjects in 3 days after injection.Conclusion YDV is effective and safety to adults.The duration of anti -HBs should be further observed.
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