A population-based surveillance system on birth defects and its application
收稿日期:2001-03-20  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 出生缺陷  监测
英文关键词: Birth defect  Surveillance
李松 100083 北京大学第三医院儿科 
洪世欣 北京大学中国妇婴保健中心 
王太梅 100083 北京大学第三医院儿科 
郑俊池 北京大学中国妇婴保健中心 
叶荣伟 北京大学中国妇婴保健中心 
张伯兰 河北省香河县妇幼保健所 
胡小梅 河北省元氏县妇幼保健院 
杜宝芝 河北省满城县妇幼保健院 
胡梅青 浙江省舟山市妇幼保健院 
潘玉娟 浙江省海盐县妇幼保健院 
成伶春 浙江省嘉善县妇幼保健所 
孙霞美 浙江省海宁市妇幼保健院 
王加妹 浙江省宁海市妇幼保健院 
金林贵 浙江省鄞县妇幼保健所 
扬晓玲 江苏省吴县市妇幼保健所 
汤健芳 江苏省吴江市妇幼保健所 
王巧花 浙江省慈溪市妇幼保健院 
钟新艳 山西省太原市妇幼保健院 
邵佩云 江苏省昆山市妇幼保健所 
李竹 北京大学中国妇婴保健中心 
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      目的 建立以人群为基础的出生缺陷监测系统,研究最完整、最准确的出生缺陷诊断与报告的方法,以反映各种出生缺陷率及其动态变化。方法 以人群为基础,覆盖了河北、山西、江苏、浙江 4省的 32个县、市的所有孕满 2 0周的新生儿,所有新生儿在出生时到生后 6周期间至少进行 3次体检,任何有出生缺陷或怀疑有出生缺陷的婴儿均以出生缺陷病例上报,上报时间为每月 1次,上报材料包括当地每月的出生资料、出生缺陷病例报表及病例体表照片,出生缺陷病例的诊断是由 3位北京大学医学部的儿科专家及 1位来自美国疾病控制中心的专家完成。结果 监测系统在 1993~1996年共监测了 10 0万出生儿,监测到 1万例出生缺陷新生儿,收到上报出生缺陷儿童体表照片 3万张。其中重大出生缺陷达 5 0 0 0例,排前几位的为神经管畸形、唇腭裂及肢体畸形等。结论 本监测系统是一种世界上独特的出生缺陷监测系统。其资料主要被用来进行出生缺陷监测报告 (月报、季报、年报 )、出生缺陷资料交换,为所有以出生缺陷监测资料为结局或因素的流行病学及临床医学研究提供数据。其特点为以人群为基础和以体表照片为数据及诊断依据。该系统具有完整的质量控制手段,其监测结果已用于分析性研究及监测报告
      Objective To describe a unique surveillance system on birth defects in the People's Republic of China. Methods T he system was instituted in 1992 as a component for the evaluation on the effectiveness of a community intervention program using periconceptional folic acid supplementation to prevent neural tube defects and currently carries out surveys on a birth cohort of approximately 150 000 infants per year. Information was collected in the form of detailed written descriptions by local health care providers and photographs of affected infants. T he system allowed for detection of birth defects at the local level with later definitive classification and coding; however, information was limited to those structural anomalies which were visible on physical examination. Results This surveillance system on birth defects provides an extensive database of infants with major and minor externalstructural anomalies. From 1993 to 1996, more than one million births were monitored, with more than 10 000 birth defects and 30 000 photos submitted. Among them 5 000 were identified with major birth defects. Neural tube defects, oral clefts and extremity abnormalities were the first few defects with most cases. Data were used in birth defect surveillance reports and scientific papers. Conclusions This system can be utilized for studies on etiology,descriptive epidemiology, and identification of unusual trends which is unique with multiple advantages in the People's Republic of China.
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