Evaluation on peer education program among injecting drug users
收稿日期:2001-04-15  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 人类免疫缺陷病毒  同伴教育  静脉注射毒品  行为改变
英文关键词: Human immunodeficiency virus  Peer education  Injecting drug  Behavior change
李建华 云南省药物依赖防治研究所预防教育部, 昆明 650228 
罗健 云南省药物依赖防治研究所预防教育部, 昆明 650228 
杨芳 云南省药物依赖防治研究所预防教育部, 昆明 650228 
朱华 云南省药物依赖防治研究所预防教育部, 昆明 650228 
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      Objective To reduce risk behaviors which promotes human immuno deficiency virus (HIV) transmission among drug users. Methods A peer education program was implemented among drug users in drug detoxification centers in Kunming from May 1998 to June 2000. Before and after intervention, through random sampling, subjects were recruited to assess the impact of the program. Focus group discussion and a small sample of follow up in communities were used for evaluation. Results Three hundred and six and 418 subjects were interviewed before and after the intervention program. Rates regarding "sharing needles" had a reduction from 68.3 % to 62.0 % (χ 2= 2.61, P 0.01 ), while "never cleaning a needle" increased from 3.3 % to 15.8 % (χ 2= 19.41, P 0.01 ), and "used needles disposal to garbage bin" increased from 58.4 % to 81.8 % (χ 2= 40.23, P 0.01 ). Thirty four drug users were followed in their communities and 67.6 % were no longer sharing needles but none reported using a condom when having casual sex. Conclusion Peer education program among drug users in detoxification centers had limited impact. In order to control the epidemic of AIDS in drug using population, more effective strategies need to be explored.
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