Therapeutic trial on function bandage for military training injuries
收稿日期:2001-05-28  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 军事训练损伤  治疗实验
英文关键词: Military training injuries  Therapeutic trial
基金项目:全军“ 九五” 攻关课题资助项目(96L048)
王波 710032 西安, 第四军医大学流行病学教研室 
徐德忠 710032 西安, 第四军医大学流行病学教研室 
孙长生 710032 西安, 第四军医大学流行病学教研室 
李远贵 710032 西安, 第四军医大学流行病学教研室 
张世忠 710032 西安, 第四军医大学流行病学教研室 
李良寿 710032 西安, 第四军医大学流行病学教研室 
代先文 西京医院骨科(代先文) 
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      目的 观察“天年素” 功能绷带对军事训练损伤(军训伤)的治疗效果。方法 采用随机三盲对照实验。选取某部1998 年度新兵基础训练中发生的软组织伤和应力性骨折战士, 两种损伤分别观察且均随机分为A、B 绷带组, 除使用绷带不同外, 其他措施完全一致。由观察人员定期随访, 并抽取部分伤员于治疗前后作骨闪烁成像(ECT)检查各一次。治疗结束后厂家揭密, A 为对照绷带, B为“ 天年素” 功能绷带。结果 A 、B 两种绷带治疗软组织伤的总有效率分别为66.7%、86.4 %, B 绷带优于A 绷带, 差异有显著性, 从症状改善来看, 消肿效果B 绷带优于A 绷带;治疗应力性骨折的总有效率分别为67.2%、75.0 %, 两者差异无显著性。对其中26 个受伤胫骨ECT 检查显示, 治疗后较治疗前骨质损伤程度并无明显改善。结论 “天年素” 功能绷带对治疗软组织伤有一定作用, 但治疗应 力性骨折无明显作用。
      Objective To evaluate therapeutic effectiveness of “ Tianniansu” function bandage used for military training injuries (M TI).Methods I n a randomized tri-blind controlled trial, recruits of all soft tissue injuries and stress fracture (SF)w ho took part in basic training in 1998 w ere separated into two groups-A and B with comparability, except the use of bandage.After close follow up on w eekly base, part of the patents were subjected by ECT pre and po st therapy.Results Effective rates of bandag e A and B on treating soft tissue injuries were 66.7% and 86.4 %, respectively.However, in terms of symptoms, detumescence effect of bandage B showed milder than that of A.The effective ra te of bandage A and B in treating SF were 67.2% and 75.0 %, respectively, but statistically not significant.The treatment effect in 26 injured tibias evaluated by bone scintigraphy pre and post treatment showed that the deg ree of osteogen injury after treatment was not ignificantly improved.Conclusion “ Tianniansu” function bandage had significant effect on treating soft tissue injuries, but did not have effect in treating SF.
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