Study on drug use in elderly outpatients in Beijing CHEN Lianzhen
收稿日期:2001-06-27  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 老年人  处方用药  联合用药
英文关键词: Elderly patient  Prescriptions  Combination
陈莲珍 100053 首都医科大学宣武医院药剂科 
王育琴 100053 首都医科大学宣武医院药剂科 
金岩 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学北京协和医院药剂科 
李大魁 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学北京协和医院药剂科 
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      目的 了解北京市老年患者的用药现状, 为今后临床安全、有效、经济地应用药物预防和控制疾病及提高老年人生活质量提供科学依据。方法 采用北京市22 家医院《处方分析》课题组1998~ 1999 年门诊处方数据库, 对老年患者与总体患者的用药现状进行比较研究。用FOXPRO 软件对其进行统计分析。结果 北京市老年患者就诊处方占同期调查及不同年龄人群总处方数的比例为19.9%:每张处方平均品种数2.71种;老年患者每百例次使用针剂比例为18.4 %:老年用药以心血管类、维生素类用药等为主。日用药剂量相对比WHO 及药品说明书的规定值低, 但高于同期总体患者的日用药量,且有上升趋势:降压药日用药量偏大。结论 北京市老年患者就诊率、用药平均品种数、使用针剂比例、日用药量较高。应对老年患者联合用药是否存在不合理问题进行深入研究。
      Objective To understand the situa tio n of drug use, drug request, combination of drugs and daily drug do se (DDD)among elderly patients, to provide scientific evidences for safely, effectively,economically and rationally on disease prev ention and improving the quality of life of the elderly patients.Methods A 2-year(1998-1999)prescriptions database which was set up according to different departments of co nsultation, patient age, sex, consultation date, and name of drugs, dosage was used for the study.Prescriptio ns were randomly selected on 3-4 days in every mo nth, from 22 hospitals in Beijing.FOXPRO softw are was used fo r statistics and analyses.I nformation of elderly patients (≥60 year)on status of drug use, was collected and compared with general patients.Results The proportion of elderly patients' prescriptio n w as 19.9%, with an average number of drugs prescribed in elderly patients 2.71, w hich was0.27 higher than that of the general patients.Propo rtion of injections per every hundred elderly patients prescriptio ns was 18.4 %.The majo r kinds of drugs were those related to cardiovasculars and vitamins.The most frequent drug w as vitamine E nicotinate.DDD o n elderly patients w as lower than tha t defined by WHO and drug instructio n, but higher than that of the general patients during the same period and was increasing.Daily dose of anti-hypertensions w as also higher.The rate of consultation for cardiovascular diseases was hig h.The ratio of drugs in accordance with national essential drug list w as 87.5%. Conclusions The rates of elderly pa tients' prescriptio n, average number of drugs per prescriptio n, propo rtion of injections and DDD w ere high.The ra tio nal drug use on elderly patients should be given more concerns
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