Nested case-control study on the risk factors of colorectal cancer
收稿日期:2001-01-10  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 结肠肿瘤  危险因素  巢式病例对照研究
英文关键词: Colonic neoplasms  Risk factors  Nested case-control study
基金项目:国家“ 八五” 科技攻关项目(85-914-01)
陈坤 310006 杭州, 浙江大学公共卫生学院流行病学教研室 
蔡剑 310006 杭州, 浙江大学公共卫生学院流行病学教研室 
刘希永 浙江大学肿瘤研究所 
马新源 浙江省嘉善县肿瘤防治研究所 
姚开颜 浙江省嘉善县肿瘤防治研究所 
郑树 浙江大学肿瘤研究所 
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      目的 探讨结肠癌和直肠癌的危险因素。方法 应用巢式病例对照研究方法,对一个6万余人队列随访10 年,队列中196 例新发结、直肠癌病例作为病例组:从该队列中随机抽取980 名正常人作为对照组。对有关暴露因素进行单因素分析和多因素非条件logistic 回归分析。结果 年龄在病例组和对照组之间差异有显著性, 病例组年龄高于对照组, 且结肠癌的发病年龄高于直肠癌。多因素分析表明, 除年龄外,粘液血便史、肠息肉史与结肠癌关系密切, OR 值分别为:2.961(95 %CI : 1.202 ~ 7.298)和8.941(95%CI :1.820 ~ 43.926),饮用混合水与直肠癌的OR 值为1.823(95%CI:1.024 ~ 3.247)。结论 结、直肠癌的危险因素不尽相同。除年龄是结、直肠癌发病的一个共同重要因素外,肠息肉史和粘液血便史与结肠癌有关联,而饮用混合水则与直肠癌关系密切
       Objective To investig ate the risk factors of co lorectal cancer.Methods A nested casecontrol study w as conducted based on a cohort of 64 693 subjects in Jiashan county, Zhejiang, China.One hundred and ninety-six cases of colorectal cancer w ere detected during a follow-up program fo r 10 years. Nine hundred and eig hty non-colorectal cancer subjects w ere randomly selected from the coho rt as controls. Univariate analysis and mutivariate non-conditional logistic reg ression were used to analyse associations between the exposure facto rs and colo rectal cancer.Results The age of case group w as sig nificantly older than that of the co ntrol group.Mo reover, the age at diag nose of colon cancer was significantly older than that of the rectal cancer.Other than age, the final regressio n mo del show ed that mucous blood stool history and colon poly p history were nificantly associated with colon cancer (OR =2.961, 95 %CI :1.202-7.298 and 8.941, 95%CI :1.820-3.926,respectively)while mix ed sources of drinking water was found to be associa ted w ith rectal cancer with a OR value of 1.823 (95 %CI :1.024-3.247).Conclusion The risk facto rs of co lon cancer were different from tha t of the rectal cancer.Age was an impo rtant facto r influencing the incidence of both colon cancer and rectal cancer.Mucous blood stool history and colon polyp histo ry w ere associated with co lon cancer, while drinking mixed w ater was closely associated with rectal cancer
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