An epidemiological study on the risk factors of irritable bowel syndrome in Zhanjiang, Guangdongprovince
收稿日期:2001-04-06  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 肠易激综合征  病例对照研究  危险因素
英文关键词: I rritable bow el syndome  Case control study  Risk factors
马红英 524005 湛江, 解放军第四二二医院消化内科 
谌颖琦 524005 湛江, 解放军第四二二医院消化内科 
刘玉成 524005 湛江, 解放军第四二二医院消化内科 
樊龙忠 524005 湛江, 解放军第四二二医院消化内科 
隋杰 广东医学院第二附属医院消化内科 
张明华 解放军第三★一医院消化内科 
蒋国顺 解放军第三★一医院消化内科 
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      目的 调查湛江市肠易激综合征(IBS)的病因因素。方法 采用病例对照研究方法, 对207 例IBS 病人与同时期在同所医院体检的“ 健康人” 进行流行病学调查和致病多因素探讨。结果 经logistic 多因素分析表明, 有植物神经紊乱及有癔病或精神病家族史与IBS 关系最密切, OR 值分别是4、3 倍。负性事件、长期服抗生素、工作紧张状态、食地瓜木薯也与IBS 关系密切, OR 值分别为2、1 倍。结论 表明以上6 种因素与湛江市IBS 的发生有关。
      Objective To assess the risk facto rs in the pathog enicity of irritable bouel syndrom(IBS) in Zhanjiang city.Methods Two hundred and seven IBS patients were randomly selected and compared w ith “healthy” people diagno sed in the same hospital during the same period.Roles o f major risk facto rs to IBS were studied throug h using a case-co ntrol study.Rasults Family history o f hysteria or mental disease and vegetorsis was closely related to IBS, with OR s 3 and 4 respectively.There was alse close relatio nship between IBS and psychic trauma, often taking antibiotics, tensio n at w ork and eating sweet po tato o r cassava, with ORs between 1 and 2.Conclusion Our investig ation suggested that the six major risk factors mensioned above played impo rtant roles in the progression of IBS in Zhanjiang city
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