A study of relationship between oral contraceptives and gene polymorphism and types of stroke
收稿日期:2001-07-03  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 口服避孕药  脑卒中  病例-病例研究  基因
英文关键词: Oral contraceptives  Stroke  Case-case study  Gene
基金项目:国家“九五”科技攻关项目 (969040306)
徐智慧 321000 浙江省金华市中心医院小儿外科 
郭晓东 321000 浙江省金华市中心医院小儿外科 
王先道 321000 浙江省金华市中心医院小儿外科 
摘要点击次数: 3169
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      为了解小儿上消化道异物流行特征, 制定防护对策, 对我院1990 年1 月至2000 年12 月登记的小儿上消化道异物资料进行调查, 现报告如下。
      Objective To evaluate the relationship betwecm combined oral contaceptiver(COC) taking and differential types of stroke together with Lhe role of Lhe susceptive genetic factors associatedwith Lhe onset of stroke in women using pills. Methods Case-case study was used. A total of 111 femalepatients with stroke were selected and with questionnaires filled in and blood sampies collected. Thedistributions of coagulative factor V Leiden mutation(G1691→A),prothrombin gene mutation(G20210→A) and angiotensin converting emzvrne (ACE) gene insertion/deletion(I/ D) polvrnorphisrn were observed. Differences of genetic; and nongenetic risk factors between hernorrhagic and ischaemicstroke were cornpared Results Women using pills had a higher risk developing hernorrhagic than ischaemic stroke (OR=3. 03,P< 0.O5),comparing with those never used pills. The strength of association between bodymass index(BMI)≥24 kg/m2-and ischaermic stroke was much greater than it between BMI andhemorrhagic stroke(OR=2. 99, P< 0.O5).No mutation of G1691→A or G20210→A was found. The deletion allele frequency of ACE gene was slightly higher in ischaemic stroke group, but with no statistic significance. Conclusion The Results suggested that possible association existed between the use of COC and the onset of hernorrhagic stroke however the mutations ofG1691→A in prothrombin gene and I/D polymorphism of ACE gene did not seem to contribate to this association
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