康殿民,阮玉华,傅继华,张遵宝,张兴录,王克安.山东省1990 ~ 1998 年肾综合征出血热流行特征及其变化趋势[J].中华流行病学杂志,2001,22(6):475-476
山东省1990 ~ 1998 年肾综合征出血热流行特征及其变化趋势
VP7 typing of rotavirus from children with diarrhea in Chongqing Region
收稿日期:2000-10-29  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 轮状病毒  婴幼儿腹泻  VP型别  聚合酶链反应
英文关键词: Rotavirus  Infantile diarrhea VP7 type  Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
康殿民 250014 济南, 山东省卫生防疫站病毒研究室 
阮玉华 中国预防医学科学院 
傅继华 250014 济南, 山东省卫生防疫站病毒研究室 
张遵宝 250014 济南, 山东省卫生防疫站病毒研究室 
张兴录 250014 济南, 山东省卫生防疫站病毒研究室 
王克安 250014 济南, 山东省卫生防疫站病毒研究室 
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      山东省是我国肾综合征出血热(HFRS)流行最严重的疫区, 其发病人数占全国发病总数的1/ 3 左右[ 1] 。笔者分析了山东省HFRS 流行特征及其变化, 旨对HFRS 综合防制工作 有一定的指导作用。
      ObjectiveTo study VP7 type of rotavirus from children with diarrhea in Chongqing area from 1998 to 2000. Methods Double strand RNA of rotavirus extracted from stool samples was used as the template for reverse transcription of gene VP7,which was followed by nested PCR for VP7 typing. Nucleotide sequence analysis was used for VP7 typing. Results Among the 130 fecal specimens from pediatric patients with acute gastroenteritis during the epidemic season of 1998 1999, fifty specimens ( 38.46 %) were identified as rotavirus positive by RT PCR. Of these, serotype G1 was found to be largely predominant and accounted for 88% (44/50), while serotype G3 accounted for 8% (4/50), coinfection of G1 and G3 accounted for 4% (2/50) respectively. While during the next epidemic season from 1999 to 2000, thirty eight ( 33.93 %) rotavirus positive specimens were detected from 112 stool samples by RT PCR. Serotype G3 increased significantly up to 78.95 % (30/38) and became the most prevalent serotype in that season. It was found that only 13.16 % (5/38) were serotype G1, 7.89 % (3/38) were G1 and G3 mixture. The nucleotide sequence analysis Results agreed with the RT PCR typing assay. Conclusions Serotype G1 and G3 were the prevalent VP7 types in Chongqing, China from 1998 to 2000. A shift from G1 to G3 was observed in the last two successive epidemic seasons of rotavirus epidemics.
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