Utilization of health service in women with reproductive tract infections in urban and rural areas
收稿日期:2001-03-15  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 卫生服务获得可能性  妇女  生殖道感染
英文关键词: Availability of health services  Women  Reproductive tract infections
郭素芳 北京大学第一医院妇产科妇儿保健研究培训中心, 100034 
王临虹 北京大学第一医院妇产科妇儿保健研究培训中心, 100034 
严仁英 北京大学第一医院妇产科妇儿保健研究培训中心, 100034 
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全文下载次数: 1278
      Objective To provide insight on psychosocial factors underlying utilization of health services of women whom perceived reproductive tract infection (RTI) symptoms. Methods A cross-sectional study, adopted Aday and Andersen's Social Behaviour Model was conducted in 1998-1999 in China. Hebei province and Beijing were purposively chosen as the research sites. All eligible married women aged 21 to 60, 864 subjects, were interviewed in person. Results Findings showed that the percentage of self-reported symptoms of RTIs was 35.6 in urban compared to 46.8 in the rural areas. The proportion of women with RTIs who utilized health services was 27.5 versus 26.7 percent among the two groups. Urban women, mostly 'white collar' class, with free medical service, satisfied with health providers, receiving information from health provider and having severe current experience RTIs, were more likely to use health services. Rural women, however, having both severe prior experience and current experience of RTIs, high family income, having much knowledge about self-medication,perceiving less social stigma of getting RTIs, and perceiving severity of RTIs,were more likely to use health services. Conclusion These findings showed that there was a great need on providing culturally acceptable reproductive health education at different places so as to improve women's ability of self-care. Regular medical check-up for women is also important for improving the quality of health service. Reform on health insurance seemed necessary. Factors as social stigma related to RTIs, giving women social and moral support also need to be taken into account.
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