郑玉新,冷曙光,宋文佳,王雅文,牛勇,张文众,闫惠芳,刘玉瑛,黄清霄,吴宜群.重度铅污染地区儿童铅中毒的分子流行病学研究[J].中华流行病学杂志,2002,23(3):175-178 |
重度铅污染地区儿童铅中毒的分子流行病学研究 |
A molecular epidemiological study of childhood lead poisoning in lead-polluted environment |
收稿日期:2001-11-30 出版日期:2014-09-17 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 铅中毒 遗传易感性 流行病学 分子 |
英文关键词: Lead poisoning I nherited susceptibility Epidemiology molecular |
基金项目:国家“九五”科技攻关项目(96-920-26-03) |
摘要点击次数: 4454 |
全文下载次数: 1319 |
中文摘要: |
目的 研究高暴露于铅的条件下, δ-氨基乙酰丙酸脱水酶(ALAD)和维生素D受体(VDR)基因多态性对儿童铅中毒易感性的影响. 方法 分析了469名严重铅暴露儿童ALAD和VDR基因多态性、血铅、锌原卟啉(ZPP)、头围、身高和体重等指标. 结果 具有ALAD2等位基因个体, 血中ZPP水平高于不含该等位基因的个体(P=0. 017);携带VDRB等位基因个体的头围大于仅携带b等位基因者(51. 19cm和50. 75cm)(P=0. 028). 结论 在高水平铅暴露儿童中, ALAD多态性可影响铅的血液毒性效应, VDR基因的遗传变异改变铅对儿童颅骨发育的作用程度. ALAD和VDR基因多态性是影响严重铅暴露条件下儿童铅中毒易感性的分子遗传学因素. |
英文摘要: |
Objective The relationship between polymorphisms of ALAD and VDR genes and individual susceptability of lead poisoning was investigated in children highly exposed to lead. Method Four hundred and sixty nine children were recruited into this study and the blood lead, ZPP, hemoglobin as well as three physical developmental indexes (head circumference, height and weight) were measured. VDR and ALAD gene polymorphisms were analyzed by the Methods of PCR RFLP. Results The subjects with ALAD2 allele had higher ZPP level( 10. 12 μmol/L vs 12. 87 μmol/L)( P = 0. 017 ). The subjects with B allele has larger head circumference than only with b allele(51. 19 cm vs 50. 75 cm)(P = 0. 028 ). Conclusions It was suggested that the ALAD gene polymorphism modified the relationship between blood lead and ZPP and the VDR gene variants influenced the skull development in children living under lead polluted environment. The polymorphism of ALAD and VDR genes might serve as the molecular inherited factors modifing the susceptibility of lead poisoning. |
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