王金平,王滨有.隐睾发生的危险因素研究[J].中华流行病学杂志,2002,23(3):190-193 |
隐睾发生的危险因素研究 |
Study on risk factors of cryptorchidism |
收稿日期:2001-10-30 出版日期:2014-09-17 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 隐睾 病例对照研究 危险因素 |
英文关键词: Cryptorchidism Case-control study Risk factors |
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摘要点击次数: 3586 |
全文下载次数: 1227 |
中文摘要: |
目的 研究隐睾发生的危险因素. 方法 采用以医院为基础的1:2配比的病例对照研究方法, 按统一的调查方法对99例隐睾及198例对照进行面对面问卷调查, 应用SAS6. 12软件对所调查因素进行单因素及多因素logistic回归分析. 结果 胎儿隐睾与母亲孕早期感冒伴发热(OR =9. 37, 95%CI:2. 25~39. 09), 孕期发生先兆流产 (OR =4. 66, 95 %CI:2. 02~10. 74), 孕期发生先兆子痫(OR =16. 33, 95%CI:1. 40~191. 20), 父亲职业性接触农药(OR =12. 79, 95%CI:2. 90~56. 43), 低出生体重(OR =5. 77, 95%CI:1. 39~23. 98), 母亲怀孕年龄<24岁(OR=2. 89, 95%CI:1. 29~4. 06)呈正相关. 结论 母亲孕早期感冒伴发热, 孕期发生先兆流产及先兆子痫, 父亲职业性接触农药, 低出生体重, 母亲怀孕年龄<24岁是隐睾发病的主要危险因素. |
英文摘要: |
Objective Cryptorchidism is the most common urogenital congenital malformations in males, which increases male infertility and testicular tumors. It is necessary to identify its risk factors. Methods A hospital based case control study was conducted. Cases were 99 boys with cryptorchidism with two matched controls per case were randomly selected. Both cases and controls were interviewed with a uniformed questionnaire by face to face. Conditional logistic regression model was used for univariable and multivariate analysis by SAS6. 12 computer software was used to estimate odds ratios(OR)and their 95 per cent confidence internals (95% CI ). Results Multiple conditional logistic regression analysis showed that cryptorchidism was positively associated with maternal common cold accompanied fever in the first trimester(OR = 9. 37, 95% CI : 2. 25 39. 09 ), with threatened abortion in the first and/or second trimester(OR = 4. 66, 95% CI : 2. 02 10. 74 ), maternal preeclampsia during pregnancy(OR = 16. 33, 95% CI : 1. 40 191. 20 ), paternal exposure to pesticides occupationally(OR = 12. 79, 95% CI : 2. 90 56. 43 ), neonatal low birth weight(OR = 5. 77, 95% CI : 1. 39 23. 98 ), and maternal age under 24 years(OR = 2. 89, 95% CI : 1. 29 4. 06 ). Conclusions The risk factors of cryptorchidism were maternal common cold accompanied fever in the first trimester, threatened abortion in the first and/or second trimester, maternal preeclampsia during pregnancy, paternal exposure to pesticides occupationally, neonatal low birth weight, maternal age under 24 years. ? |
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