任强,DeLong GR,曹学义,王少华,姜新民,蒋技勇,马尔当,Karen O'Donnell.新疆环境补碘对婴儿死亡和儿童发育的影响[J].中华流行病学杂志,2002,23(3):198-202
Effect of environmental supplementation of iodine on infant mortality and growth in children in Xinjiang, China
收稿日期:2002-01-17  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 环境补碘  婴儿死亡  儿童发育
英文关键词: Environmental iodine supplementation  Infant mortality  Child development
任强 新疆大学人口研究所 乌鲁木齐 830046 
DeLong GR 美国杜克大学医学中心 
曹学义 新疆维吾尔自治区卫生防疫站 
王少华 新疆维吾尔自治区卫生厅 
姜新民 新疆维吾尔自治区地方病研究所 
蒋技勇 新疆维吾尔自治区地方病研究所 
马尔当 新疆维吾尔自治区地方病研究所 
Karen O'Donnell 美国杜克大学医学中心 
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      目的 研究新疆环境补碘新方法对婴儿死亡和儿童发育的影响. 方法 用补碘前和补碘后2乡历年5岁儿童尿碘、身高和头围监测资料, 以美国同龄儿童为参照计算Z得分. 用logistic回归方法分析4乡3县1988~1999年的婴儿死亡和新生儿死亡数据. 结果 环境补碘后婴儿死亡相对风险比降低了56. 49%, 新生儿死亡相对风险比降低了65. 71%;控制是否补碘变量后, 实验区和对照区婴儿死亡或新生儿死亡差异无显著性. 朗如乡5岁儿童平均身高由1992年的95cm提高到1998~1999年的106. 9cm;同期平均头围由48. 4cm提高到50. 5cm;尿碘中位值由补碘前低于10μg/L提高到176μg/L. 巴克其乡5岁儿童平均身高由1993年的91cm提高到1998~1999年的106. 5cm;同期平均头围由48. 7cm提高到49. 6cm;尿碘中位值由39μg/L提高到138μg/L. 结论 新疆和田地区的环境补碘方法显著地降低了婴儿、新生儿死亡率, 极大地改善了儿童的生长发育状况.
      Objective To study the effect of iodine supplementation on infant mortality and growth in Xinjiang. Methods Urine iodine, height and head circumference (HC) of children aged 5 years in two townships was measured before and yearly after iodine supplementation of irrigation water. Height and HC were expressed as Z scores (United States children used as the reference group). Neonatal and infant mortality rates were obtained from official records in three counties from 1988 to 1999, and analyzed by a logistic regression model. Results The odds ratio of infant mortality decreased 56. 49 % and neonatal mortality 65. 71 % respectively after iodination; there was no significant difference in the odds ratio of infant or neonatal mortality between experimental and control areas without iodination. In Langru township, the mean height of 5 year old children increased from 95 cm in 1992 to 106. 9 cm in 1998 1999, and HC from 48. 4 cm to 50. 5 cm. Median urine iodine increased from 10 to 176 μg/L. In Bakechi township, mean height increased from 91 cm in 1993 to 106. 5 cm in 1998 1999, HC from 48. 7 to 49. 6 cm, and median urine iodine from 39 to 138 μg/L. Conclusion In Xinjiang, adequate iodine treatment markedly decreased infant and neonatal mortality, and largely preventing stunting of height and HC in children.
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