The effectiveness of an intervention program in the promotion of condom use among sexually transmitted disease patients
收稿日期:2001-12-25  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 性传播疾病  健康教育  流行病学
英文关键词: Sexually transmitted disease (STD)  Health education  Epidemiology
徐金华 复旦大学附属华山医院皮肤科 上海 200040 
王吉耀 复旦大学附属中山医院临床流行病学教研室 
赵耐青 复旦大学公共卫生学院卫生统计教研室 
陈世耀 复旦大学附属中山医院临床流行病学教研室 
周平玉 复旦大学附属华山医院皮肤科 上海 200040 
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      目的 评估教育干预措施在提高性病预防知识、促进使用避孕套预防性病的作用. 方法 将性病门诊病人随机分成3组 :A组为对照组(仅给予常规治疗);B组录像组(观看有关性病预防知识和如何正确使用避孕套的教育录像);C组录像+交谈(观看录像后由医生和病人交谈有关性病预防知识的问题). 采用问卷调查的方法了解干预前后病人性病预防知识和避孕套使用情况. 结果 参加研究的648例病人中, 超过半数的病人对性病预防知识有一定的了解. 但避孕套使用率非常低, 即使是与不熟悉的人发生性交, 避孕套使用率也仅在20%左右, 17%的病人不知道避孕套的使用方法. 教育干预对提高性病病人性病预防知识并无显著作用, 但在促进避孕套使用上, 干预组显著高于非干预组(P<0. 05). 结论 性病宣教应着重在推广避孕套使用和介绍正确使用避孕套的方法.
      Objective To assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention program in sexually transmitted disease (STD) and condom related knowledge and promoting condom use among STD patients. Methods STD clinic patients were randomly assigned to three groups(A, control group; B, video viewing group; group C, video viewing plus education with talk) after administered with baseline questionnaire. Each patient was then scheduled to complete the questionnaire regarding the change of STD knowledge and use of condom in two weeks and 3 months. Results Six hundred and forty eight patients entered the study. More than half of the patients were aware of STD related knowledge. However the rate of condom use was very low. When having intercourse with the casual sexual partners the percentage of condom use was only 20%. Seventeen per cent of the patients knew nothing about how to use condom correctly. Follow up Results showed that the education program increased the knowledge about STD to some degree. However the percentage of condom use in the latest sexual intercourse increased greatly both in intervention and control groups, but more in intervention groups(P<0. 05 ). Conclusion STD education should be focused on advocating and correcting condom use.
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