Knowledge on hypertension and the effect of management on hypertension in patients attending hospital clinics
收稿日期:2001-11-05  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 门诊病人  高血压  流行病学
英文关键词: Outpatients Hypertension Epidemiology
蒋雄京 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学阜外心血管病医院高血压研究室, 100037 北京 
李卫 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学阜外心血管病医院高血压研究室, 100037 北京 
马林茂 中国疾病预防控制中心统计中 
孔灵芝 卫生部疾病控制司非传染病处 
金水高 中国疾病预防控制中心统计中 
刘力生 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学阜外心血管病医院高血压研究室, 100037 北京 
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      目的 了解门诊人群掌握高血压相关知识的状况及其对高血压知晓率、治疗率、控制率的影响。方法 横断面性质的流行病学研究。采用现场测量与问卷调查相结合的标准方法 ,分别在中国北方、南方和中部 8个城市 ,选择 18家医院 (其中三级医院 10家 ,二级医院 6家 ,一级医院 2家 ) ,对来自这些医院内科、妇科和其他科门诊就诊的 35岁及以上患者进行专项调查。结果 共调查9703人 ,一级、二级及三级医院分别入选 1216例 (12 .5 % )、2324例 (24 .0 % )及 6163例 (63.5 % ) ,性别、年龄比例基本平衡。调查人群中掌握高血压相关知识 0级 6 .4 % ,1级 12 .1% ,2级 25 .5 % ,3级41.1% ,4级 14 .6 %。有高血压相关知识的患者高血压的知晓率、规律服药率、药物治疗率及控制率均显著高于无高血压相关知识的患者 ,并且掌握的程度与治疗依从性在统计学上呈显著正相关。治疗依从性差的主要原因系患者对高血压缺乏正确理解 ,不重视治疗。结论 门诊调查人群高血压知识掌握不够全面、充分 ,对高血压防治有重要影响 ,应加强这一人群的高血压健康教育。
      Objective To estimate the current knowledge on hypertension and the effect of management on hypertension in patients attending hospital clinics. Methods A cross sectional survey was used in the outpatients over the age of 35 years in 18 general hospitals (provincial, district and community) which represented the different levels of medical care in 8 major cities covering Northern and Southern China including an interview with two blood pressure measurements and one questionnaire in one clinical visit. Results A total of 9 703 subjects participated in this project, who were similarly distributed by gender and age in the hospitals at different levels. Of all the 9 703 subjects, 4 510 ( 46.5 %) were found to be hypertensive. 6.4 %, 12.1 %, 25.5 %, 41.1 % and 14.6 % of all the participants were categorized into knowledge on hypertension grade 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively. The classification was based on the number of correct answers to four questions about knowledge of hypertension. The higher the grade of hypertension knowledge the more response to higher rate of awareness, treatment, and control in this hypertensive population was noticed. There was significantly positive correlation between the grade of hypertension knowledge and treatment compliance. The major cause of poor treatment compliance was due to lack of hypertension knowledge. Conclusion There was poor knowledge on hypertension in the investigated participants, which would influence on the management of hypertension. Data suggested that health education on the knowledge of hypertension in the population needs to be improved.
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