A population-based case-control study on the risk factors of urinary calculi
收稿日期:2001-11-26  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 尿石症  危险因素  病例对照研究
英文关键词: Urinary calculi Risk factor Case control study
张顺祥 深圳市卫生防疫站, 518020 
李良成 深圳市卫生防疫站, 518020 
江英 深圳市卫生防疫站, 518020 
施侣元 华中科技大学流行病学教研室 
项普生 深圳市麒麟山疗养院 
黄向南 深圳市人民医院体检科 
摘要点击次数: 3208
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      目的 探索尿石症发病的危险因素 ,为人群预防提供依据。方法 选取深圳市尿石症现况调查发现的 334例患者为病例组 ,721名健康者为对照组 ,进行尿石症危险因素人群病例对照研究 ;采用非条件logistic回归对 34个变量进行分析 ,采用Falconer回归法估算遗传度。结果 尿石症病例组和对照组配比条件均衡可比 ,单因素logistic回归分析共有 17个变量有统计学意义 ,但最终进入模型的因素有 10个 ,其中 4个变量为尿石症发病危险因素 ,OR值大小依次为既往泌尿系慢性炎症史 (OR =4 .09,95 %CI :1.38~ 12 .14 )、一级亲属尿石症史 (OR =2 .61,95 %CI :1.70~ 4 .01)和多食动物蛋白质 (OR =2 .14 ,95 %CI:1.71~ 2 .69)、暴露日照时间长 (OR =1.39,95 %CI :1.16~1.66 ) ;而较高文化程度 (OR =0 .46 ,95 %CI :0 .29~ 0 .73)、日引水量多 (OR =0 .59,95 %CI :0 .48~0 .72 )、饮果汁 (OR =0 .41,95 %CI :0 .18~ 0 .94 )、多食奶及奶制品 (OR =0 .82 ,95 %CI :0 .68~0 .99)、多食蔬菜 (OR =0 .70 ,95 %CI:0 .55~ 0 .91)和多食水果 (OR =0 .78,95 %CI :0 .64~ 0 .94 ) 6个变量为尿石症发病的保护因素。一级亲属尿石症患病率病例组高于对照组 ,尿石症分离比为0 .0109,95 %CI:0 .00 50~ 0 .01。
      Objective To determine the risk factors of urinary calculi in Shenzhen for proper interventions. Methods A population based case control study including 334 urinary calculi cases and 721 controls was carried out. A total number of 34 factors were analyzed using unconditional logistic regression. Results Seventeen factors were associated with urolithiasis based on the logistic regression analysis. Ten factors entered the last model of the logistic multivariate regression. The more protein consumption ( OR = 2.14 , 95% CI : 1.71 2.69 ), positive history of first relatives with urolithiasis( OR = 2.61 , 95% CI : 1.70 4.01 ), longer outdoor exposure( OR = 1.39 , 95% CI : 1.16 1.66 ) and chronic inflammation of urinary system( OR = 4.09 , 95% CI : 1.38 12.14 ) were risk factors of urinary calculi. Higher education background ( OR = 0.46 , 95% CI : 0.29 0.73 ), drinking more water( OR = 0.59 , 95% CI : 0.48 0.72 ), drinking more juice( OR = 0.41 , 95% CI : 0.18 0.94 ), more milk and milk product consumption ( OR = 0.82 , 95% CI : 0.68 0.99 ), vegetable ( OR = 0.70 , 95% CI : 0.55 0.91 ) and fruit consumption ( OR = 0.78 , 95% CI : 0.64 0.94) were protective factors of urolithiasis. Conclusion Dietary habits were the major influencing factors of urinary calculi. Positive history of family with urolithiasis and social economic factors were also associated with the disease.
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