Trend analyses in the incidence of acute intracerebral hemorrhage events and acute cerebral infarction events in urban areas in Beijing
收稿日期:2001-12-10  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 脑出血  脑血栓  发病率  流行病学
英文关键词: Intracerebral hemorrhage  Cerebral infarction  Incidence rate  Epidemiology
王文化 100029 北京心肺血管疾病研究所流行病研究室 
赵冬 100029 北京心肺血管疾病研究所流行病研究室 
吴桂贤 100029 北京心肺血管疾病研究所流行病研究室 
刘军 100029 北京心肺血管疾病研究所流行病研究室 
刘飒 100029 北京心肺血管疾病研究所流行病研究室 
秦兰萍 100029 北京心肺血管疾病研究所流行病研究室 
吴兆苏 100029 北京心肺血管疾病研究所流行病研究室 
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      Objective To study the trends of incidence on acute intracerebral hemorrhage events and acute cerebral infarction events in the population aged 25 74 in urban areas of Beijing from 1984 to 1999. Methods In monitoring the trends and determinants in the cardiovascular disease (MONICA) project and subsequent study, acute intracerebral hemorrhage events and acute cerebral infarction events were registered in a standardized way in men and women aged 25 to 74 years from 1984 1999. Results Both intracerebral hemorrhage attack rates decreased but cerebral infarction attack rates increased significantly; The proportion of intracerebral hemorrhage events in stroke events decreased from 42.0 % to 16.0 % while the proportion of cerebral infarction events in stroke events increased from 55.8 % to 81.6 %, the changes in incidences of acute intracerebral hemorrhage events and acute cerebral infarction events in various age groups were different.Conclusion Cerebral infarction was the most important risk causing stroke, so prevention of cerebral infarction should be strengthened in the area.
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