Study on the relation between iodine nutrition of pregnant women in different occasions and thyroid function of their neonates
收稿日期:2001-10-20  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 甲状腺功能  新生儿    营养
英文关键词: Thyroid function  Neonate  Iodine  Nutrition
基金项目:河北省卫生厅基金资助项目 (98052 )
周荣华 050011 石家庄, 河北省疾病预防控制中心碘缺乏病与克山病防治科 
陶跃华 河北省卫生厅疾病控制处 
董晓菊 河北省卫生监督所办公室 
刘秋芝 050011 石家庄, 河北省疾病预防控制中心碘缺乏病与克山病防治科 
梁占凯 石家庄市铁路中心医院妇产科 
杜永贵 050011 石家庄, 河北省疾病预防控制中心健康体检科 
张新建 石家庄市桥东区妇幼保健站化验室 
贾玉玲 石家庄市桥东区妇幼保健站化验室 
辛英 石家庄市铁路中心医院妇产科 
赵荣娟 石家庄市铁路中心医院妇产科 
纪运改 石家庄市长安区妇幼保健站化验室 
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全文下载次数: 2434
      Objective To study iodine nutrition of pregnant women in different occasions and thyroid function of their neonates. Methods Urinary iodine of pregnant women and their serum T 3?T 4 ?FT 3?FT 4 were determined by chloric acid digestion thermostatic assay and RIA, TSH determination by IRMA; neonatal umbilical cord blood TSH was determined by ELISA. Results Median urinary iodine of pregnant women were 206.3 μg/L, 161.4 μg/L, 203.3 μg/L at 10 14 (first occasion),23 27 (second occasion) and 39 40 (third occasion) week but the percentage that lower than 100 μg/L were 14.6 %, 17.1 %, 11.1 % respectively. Serum T 3,T 4 of pregnant women was significantly higher than those women of premarital health inspection(PHIW, P 0.001 ). The difference of serum T 3,T 4 of pregnant women at 10 14 and 39 40 week was not significant. Serum FT 3,FT 4 of pregnant women at 39 40 week were 2.61± 0.47 pmol/L and 5.50± 1.57 pmol/L respectively. The difference of serum TSH concentration at third occasion and first occasion of pre pregnance was significant but the difference of TSH frequency distribution in three groups was not significant ( χ 2= 1.138, P 0.5 ).Blood TSH median neonatal umbilical cord was 1.99 mU/L but the percentage that higher than 5 mU/L was 9.4 %. Conclusion For those areas with high iodized salt coverage, pregnant women had had sufficient iodine supplement and good thyroid function. The percentage of neonates from iodine sufficient pregnant women with TSH5 mU/L was lower than 10%. Using the normal range of nonpregnant FT 3 and FT 4 to estimate the thyroid function of pregnant women could cause mis diagnosis.
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